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Cursor Oscillating While Captured #323

Open jonttm opened 5 years ago

jonttm commented 5 years ago

The Mouse Cursor is Oscillating (back-and-forth) While Captured

The last time I tested Rainway was version 1.0.7. The jumpy pointer bug was bad but not unplayable. Here were my results from 1.0.7: (With Mitigation On) - Very small frequent jumps (barely noticeable) when moving the mouse around the screen. It's noticeable in first-person view because it looks like there is FPS lag. (With Mitigation Off) - Large jumps (nearly half the screen) when moving the mouse a lot. The frequent small jumps disappeared entirely. These large ones only occur once or twice every 10 seconds.

Now, I have tested Rainway again on version 1.0.9. Here are my new results: (With Mitigation On) - Random repeating back and forth teleportation of the mouse (see video below for what it looks like). It seems to occur randomly but a few times every 15 seconds. The distance between the repeating teleportation depends on how fast the mouse was moving right before it occurs. This makes the game unplayable. (With Mitigation Off) - Again, the random repeating teleportation of the mouse still occurs. In addition, the old half-screen-ish jumps occur too. Note: the issue disappears entirely when I "release" or stop capturing the mouse on the client.

Large back and forth teleporting (I am not touching the mouse): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559831956108607498/567511212552618006/2019-04-15_14-39-42_Trim.mp4

Small back and forth teleporting (again, not touching the mouse): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559831956108607498/567511787231248405/2019-04-15_14-39-42_Trim2.mp4



Additional Note: The client device (my laptop) has a 1920x1080 display but is scaled (using Windows built-in scaling) to 150%. Not sure if this affects anything, but might as well mention it.

FrobtheBuilder commented 5 years ago

@JTTM That 150% DPI scaling thing may very well be the most important part of the entire equation. Try setting it back to 100%, restarting rainway and trying again. If the problem is what I think it is, that may well fix it.

Dima-Kal commented 5 years ago

I've tried to set scalling to 100% and issue still happening

jonttm commented 5 years ago

@Dima-Kal had the same issue as me (indicated in #support on the Rainway Discord). They also had scaling turned on and turning it off did not fix the issue.

SimpliciTea commented 5 years ago

Hey guys, also confirmed on my end that client-side DPI scaling is not the issue. I've been trying all afternoon to reproduce this behavior on my dev machine so I can attempt to debug. We have one device which has seen the bug which hopefully I can dig into tomorrow! Will keep you posted. Thank you for the detailed report.

It should be noted here that this bug's behavior is distinct from the behavior address by the Jumpy Pointer Bug mitigation setting; Jumpy Pointer Bug is caused by the browser occasionally firing a mouse-move value with something like 40x the magnitude that it should be, while the cursor is moving, causing large jumps in pointer position, while this bug exhibits the cursor oscillating clearly between two distinct points, without any user-input required.

jonttm commented 5 years ago

@SimpliciTea Thanks for the input! I wasn't sure if it was related to the jumpy pointer bug based on the "jumping" between two points. I will edit the title to reflect this new information.

@FrobtheBuilder I can verify @Dima-Kal's results. I tested Rainway with Windows scaling off and the issue still persists. However, I have some new findings with more extensive testing.

New info:

My conclusion today is that the game is still playable, but it's very hard to navigate the game menus.

Hopefully this new info helps!