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Non-Steam games including League of Legends not appearing in desktop or web app #349

Closed jc1483 closed 5 years ago

jc1483 commented 5 years ago

All of the shortcuts I added to the Steam client are not showing up in the Rainway desktop app or web client. I have tried deleting the shortcuts.vfd from steam and re-adding all of the games to no avail. I have cleared the cache and forced an analyzer update as well. Looking through the log, it seems the lines below are pertinent to the issue. It parses the shortcuts file correctly and I can see all the games I added in the log, but it looks like it's failing to add them due to meta-data mismatch? I have manually added exceptions in the firewall for the rainway app and the background browser process. All the games were tested and working a few days ago, but have stopped suddenly. Running Windows 10 Pro/Chrome no extensions. Attached full server log as well Server.zip

2019-07-15 21:31:25,060 [80] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Http.HttpUtils - failed-to-retrieve-game-meta-data 2019-07-15 21:31:25,060 [80] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Http.RainwayApi - Failed to fetch game list; got Null response 2019-07-15 21:31:25,060 [80] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Http.RainwayApi - Send this to a developer: 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

jc1483 commented 5 years ago

Seems like the issue resolved itself. Probably some network problem? May want to check out in case your services are having downtime.

2019-07-17 09:41:58,400 [29] WARN Rainway.Core.Games.AnalyzerService - Running analyzer for platform SteamShortcut 2019-07-17 09:41:58,506 [29] WARN Rainway.Core.Games.Analyzers.SteamShortcutAnalyzer - The_Swords_of_Ditto contains weird parts 2019-07-17 09:41:58,523 [29] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Http.RainwayApi - { "games": [ { "gameTitles": [ "minecraft", "League of Legends", "AER", "Antihero", "BomberCrew", "bnc", "BrokenAge", "Candle", "Clustertruck", "Cosmic Express", "DearEsther", "deponia", "deponia4", "FTK", "dungeoneering", "InnerSpace", "Overcooked", "Oxenfree", "SUPERHOT", "Adventure Pals", "The Banner Saga", "The Banner Saga 2", "The Bridge", "RiverGame", "TheLittleAcre", "The_Swords_of_Ditto", "WalkingDead100", "This War of Mine", "WalkingDead2", "WhisperingWillows" ], "platform": "Windows" } ] } 2019-07-17 09:41:58,540 [14] WARN Rainway.Core.Games.AnalyzerService - Adding 75 games for Steam 2019-07-17 09:42:02,960 [31] WARN Rainway.Core.Games.AnalyzerService - Adding 19 games for SteamShortcut