RainwayApp / bug-tracker

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Rainway streaming fails if CbrBitRate is set to 20.0 or higher #353

Open riverar opened 4 years ago

riverar commented 4 years ago

Rainway app version Windows 10 1903 18362.1


  1. Edit %LocalAppData%\Rainway, Inc\Server\settings.json
  2. Change CbrBitRate to 20.0
  3. Save the file and restart Rainway
  4. Start streaming the desktop and note video is black

PWA shows a blank quality profile which may/may not be related. image

Server.log snippet:

2019-07-30 16:00:53,060 [30] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebSocket.EventListeners.ServerEventListener - Started websocket on InterNetwork
2019-07-30 16:00:53,060 [30] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebSocket.EventListeners.ServerEventListener - Started websocket on InterNetworkV6
2019-07-30 16:01:02,522 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,538 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,554 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,554 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,554 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,554 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,569 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,569 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,569 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,569 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,585 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,585 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:01:02,585 [23] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Utils.UpnP - Specified method is not supported.
2019-07-30 16:05:21,263 [41] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcBufferQueue - Send buffer high water threshold: 15728640
2019-07-30 16:05:21,263 [41] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcBufferQueue - Send buffer high water threshold: 15728640
2019-07-30 16:05:21,263 [41] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcBufferQueue - Send buffer high water threshold: 15728640
2019-07-30 16:05:21,263 [41] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcBufferQueue - Send buffer high water threshold: 15728640
2019-07-30 16:05:21,339 [6] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcSession - ICE STATE CHANGE Checking
2019-07-30 16:05:21,589 [6] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcSession - ICE STATE CHANGE Connected
2019-07-30 16:05:21,636 [48] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.Packets.Handlers.GamePacketHandler - Game List Sent 1/1
2019-07-30 16:05:25,056 [12] WARN Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.ScreenShareEngine - Applying scaling: 1728 x 1080
2019-07-30 16:05:25,165 [53] WARN Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.Core.SessionSiteEx - Scale factor set to 1.3
2019-07-30 16:05:25,170 [53] WARN Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.Core.SessionSiteEx - Starting Encoder With Rainway H.264 Encoder MFT for NVIDIA Hardware -- Rainway H.264 Encoder MFT for NVIDIA Hardware
2019-07-30 16:05:25,170 [53] WARN Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.Core.SessionSiteEx - FPS: 60
2019-07-30 16:05:25,170 [53] WARN Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.Core.SessionSiteEx - Starting in CBR mode 20000000
2019-07-30 16:05:25,170 [12] WARN Rainway.Core.Games.Controls.GamePadManager -
2019-07-30 16:05:25,202 [53] ERROR Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.Core.SessionSiteEx - Error Starting Session
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
   at RainwayDesktopCapture.IMultiplexer.BeginWrite()
   at Rainway.Core.ScreenShare.Core.SessionSiteEx.OnStart(Session session, SessionContext context)
2019-07-30 16:05:32,726 [6] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcSession - ICE STATE CHANGE Disconnected
2019-07-30 16:05:32,773 [6] WARN Rainway.Core.Network.WebRTC.WebRtcSession - ICE STATE CHANGE Closed
2019-07-30 16:05:33,544 [30] DEBUG App.Metrics.Internal.DefaultMetricValuesProvider - Getting metrics snaphot
2019-07-30 16:05:33,560 [30] DEBUG App.Metrics.Internal.DefaultMetricsRegistry - Getting metrics snaphot
2019-07-30 16:05:33,560 [30] DEBUG App.Metrics.Internal.DefaultMetricsRegistry - Metrics snapshot retrieved containing 1 contexts
2019-07-30 16:05:33,582 [30] DEBUG App.Metrics.Internal.DefaultMetricValuesProvider - Getting metrics snaphot found 1
FrobtheBuilder commented 4 years ago

The labels in that dropdown are associated with specific quality values, none of which match the one you set. That's why it would appear blank. Should have nothing to do with the crash, I'll defer to one of the server devs on that one.