RainyXeon / ByteBlaze

🌀 A versatile and powerful music bot for Discord that brings rhythm and melody to your server 🌀
GNU General Public License v3.0
60 stars 21 forks source link

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\ByteBlaze\app.yml' #91

Closed bimaindrawans closed 4 months ago

bimaindrawans commented 4 months ago

i got error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\ByteBlaze\app.yml', but the problem is, i already created that app.yml from example full app yml


RainyXeon commented 4 months ago

@bimaindrawans Can you do ls to check if file exist in msys2?

bimaindrawans commented 4 months ago

@bimaindrawans Can you do ls to check if file exist in msys2?

ooohh i'm sorry, i found it, it was my server that got error, everything that i save on that server will generate as .txt file even if i using all files type, but i found another problem when success to save it on .yml file

byteblaze@1.0.0 start node ./dist/index.js

file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:1273 return new exception(message, mark); ^ YAMLException: bad indentation of a mapping entry (25:47)

22 | ... 't have or don't want, you can disable it 23 | ... 24 | ... 85bbe4f8c9110742ef86133dd" 25 | ... cd438f2344b5980ee5859c04fdae7"" -----------------------------------------^ 26 | ... 27 | ... ch suggestion for auto complete, leave it empty will use default at generateError (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:1273:10) at throwError (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:1277:9) at readBlockMapping (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2272:7) at composeNode (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2531:12) at readBlockMapping (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2254:11) at composeNode (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2531:12) at readBlockMapping (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2254:11) at composeNode (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2531:12) at readDocument (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2715:3) at loadDocuments (file:///D:/ByteBlaze/node_modules/js-yaml/dist/js-yaml.mjs:2778:5) { reason: 'bad indentation of a mapping entry', mark: { name: null, buffer: '# ByteBlaze config file via .yml\r\n' + '# Version 5.0.0\r\n' + '# You can use undefined to pass an enviroment varible from .env file\r\n' + '# Eg:\r\n' + '# something: undefined\r\n' + '\r\n' + 'bot:\r\n' + ' TOKEN: "' + ' EMBED_COLOR: "#2B2D31"\r\n' + ' OWNER_ID: "1158760489015320647"\r\n' + ' ADMIN: ["791416346646675516"]\r\n' + ' LANGUAGE: "en" # You can set it to en, vi...\r\n' + ' LIMIT_TRACK: 150 # The number of tracks you want to limit\r\n' + ' LIMIT_PLAYLIST: 50 # The number of playlist you want to limit\r\n' + " SAFE_ICONS_MODE: false # If the new icon doesn't appear, try changing this to true\r\n" + ' DELETE_MSG_TIMEOUT: 3000\r\n' + ' DEBUG_MODE: false\r\n' + '\r\n' + 'lavalink:\r\n' + ' SPOTIFY:\r\n' + ' # Your Spotify ID and Secret, you can get it from here: https://developer.spotify.com\r\n' + " # If you don't have or don't want, you can disable it\r\n" + ' enable: true\r\n' + ' id: "db8101585bbe4f8c9110742ef86133dd"\r\n' + ' secret: """\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' # Default search suggestion for auto complete, leave it empty will use default\r\n' + ' AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH: ["yorushika", "yoasobi", "tuyu", "hinkik"]\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' NP_REALTIME: true # Enable this if you want to use realtime duation in nowplaying command\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' LEAVE_TIMEOUT: 60000 # The number of leave time you want\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' DEFAULT_VOLUME: 100 # Must not over 1000 or bot crash\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' # Enable this to avoid your bot get suspended (Recommended to be enable)\r\n' + ' AVOIDSUSPEND: true\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' # You can add more Lavalink servers!\r\n' + ' NODES:\r\n' + ' - host: "lavalink.oryzen.xyz"\r\n' + ' port: 80 # Your host port here\r\n' + ' name: "Dayat Lavalink" #only a-z A-Z 0-9 and \r\n' + ' auth: "oryzen.xyz"\r\n' + ' secure: false\r\n' + ' # In rainlink, it support lavalink v3, lavalink v4 and nodelink v2 as driver\r\n' + ' # If you put the wrong driver identify here or not put anything here,\r\n' + ' # it will fallback to lavalink v4 driver\r\n' + ' # Driver identify and support range:\r\n' + ' # | Type | Support versions | Driver Name |\r\n' + ' # | -------- | ---------------- | ----------------- |\r\n' + ' # | Lavalink | v4.0.0 - v4.x.x | lavalink/v4/koinu |\r\n' + ' # | Lavalink | v3.0.0 - v3.7.x | lavalink/v3/koto |\r\n' + ' # | Nodelink | v2.0.0 - v2.x.x | lavalink/v3/koto |\r\n' + ' driver: "lavalink@4"\r\n' + '\r\n' + 'features:\r\n' + ' # Enable debug tools for execute code from bot\r\n' + ' # use dokdo package, owner only, no prefix changes\r\n' + ' # You have to enable message_content to use\r\n' + ' # use: sudo rdc help, for more command\r\n' + ' DEBUG_TOOLS: true\r\n' + ' # Log register premium activities\r\n' + ' PREMIUM_LOG_CHANNEL: ""\r\n' + ' # Log all the guild that bot joined or leaved\r\n' + ' GUILD_LOG_CHANNEL: ""\r\n' + ' # Log all unhandled, error, warnings on discord\r\n' + ' LOG_CHANNEL: ""\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' DATABASE:\r\n' + ' # Note: If you enter an invalid driver, bot will use json driver as default\r\n' + ' driver: "json" # mongodb, mysql, json, postgres\r\n' + ' # Config depends on driver, you can see sample config at src/database/driver\r\n' + ' config: { path: "./cylane.database.json" }\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' MESSAGE_CONTENT:\r\n' + ' enable: true\r\n' + ' commands:\r\n' + ' enable: true\r\n' + ' prefix: "d." # The prefix you want\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' AUTOFIX_LAVALINK: # Fix the Lavalink server when the current is down\r\n' + ' enable: true\r\n' + ' retryCount: 10\r\n' + ' retryTimeout: 3000\r\n' + '\r\n' + ' WEB_SERVER:\r\n' + ' enable: false\r\n' + ' port: 3000\r\n' + ' whitelist: [] # Example: ["lavalink.dev"]\r\n' + ' auth: "youshallnotpass"\n', position: 931, line: 24, column: 46, snippet: " 22 | ... 't have or don't want, you can disable it\n" + ' 23 | ... \n' + ' 24 | ... 85bbe4f8c9110742ef86133dd"\n' + ' 25 | ... cd438f2344b5980ee5859c04fdae7""\n' + '-----------------------------------------^\n' + ' 26 | ... \n' + ' 27 | ... ch suggestion for auto complete, leave it empty will use default' } }

Node.js v20.13.1

RainyXeon commented 4 months ago

@bimaindrawans You have one extra double quote on the last of line 25 in app.yml file, please delete it

bimaindrawans commented 4 months ago

@bimaindrawans You have one extra double quote on the last of line 25 in app.yml file, please delete it

worked, thankyou sooo much