RainyXeon / Cylane

A rich features discord lavalink bot using shokaku/kazagumo and based in NanoSpace framework
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
36 stars 14 forks source link

Uhhhhhh, why it's reading env instead of my yml file? #44

Closed OrdinaryEnder closed 1 year ago

OrdinaryEnder commented 1 year ago

Got this error while running in Linux machine

      if (boolean.includes(process.env[matches[1]].trim().toLowerCase())) {

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'trim')
RainyXeon commented 1 year ago

@OrdinaryEnder can you send me a config file that not include Token and any important credentials?

OrdinaryEnder commented 1 year ago

@OrdinaryEnder can you send me a config file that not include Token and any important credentials?

# Cylane config file via .yaml
# Version 3.0
# You can use ${} to pass an enviroment varible from .env file
# Eg:
# something: ${DATA}

  TOKEN: "naughty boy"
  EMBED_COLOR: "#2b2d31"
  OWNER_ID: "796915832617828352"
  LANGUAGE: en # You can set it to vi, en, th,...
  LIMIT_TRACK: 100 # The number of tracks you want to limit
  LIMIT_PLAYLIST: 20 # The number of playlist you want to limit

    # Your spotify id and secret, you can get it from here: https://developer.spotify.com/
    # If you don't have or don't want, you can disable it
    enable: false
    id: a98a98s9a89as98a9s8a98
    secret: a98a98s9a89as98a9s8a98

  DEFAULT: ["Never gonna give you up - Rick Astley", "Alan Walker - Alone Pt. 2"]

  NP_REALTIME: true # Enable this if you want to use realtime duation in nowplaying comman
  LEAVE_TIMEOUT: 100 # The number of leave time you want

  # You can add more lavalink server!
  NODES: [
      url: "lavalink.ordinaryender.my.eu.org:443",
      name: "Lavalink_Server",
      auth: "youshallnotpass",
      secure: true
      url: "lavalink.lexnet.cc:443",
      name: "Lexnet",
      auth: "lexn3tl@val!nk",
      secure: true
      url: "eu-lavalink.lexnet.cc:443",
      name: "Europe Lexnet",
      auth: "lexn3tl@val!nk",
      secure: true

    moveOnDisconnect: true,
    resumable: true,
    resumableTimeout: 600,
    reconnectTries: Infinity,
    restTimeout: 3000

  # Note: You can't enable all or 2 databases. It will return to JSON database
      enable: true
      path: "./ordinarybot.json"
      enable: false
      # Your mongo_uri, you can get it from here: https://www.mongodb.com/
      uri: mongodb://
      enable: false
      host: "localhost"
      user: "me"
      password: "secret"
      database: "my_db"

    enable: true # If you want to use shard system, change it to `true`
    totalShards: auto # you can set to every number you want but for save mode, use 'auto' option
    totalClusters: auto # you can set to every number you want but for save mode, use 'auto' option
    shardsPerClusters: 2
    mode: 'worker' # you can also choose "process"

    enable: true
    prefix: "ord!" # The prefix you want

  AUTOFIX_LAVALINK: true # Fix the lavalink server when the current is down

    enable: true
    port: 30103

    enable: false
    port: 8080
    auth: false
    trusted: ['http://localhost:3000']

  # Your id or friend id (disable global command)
  DEV_ID: []
RainyXeon commented 1 year ago

@OrdinaryEnder Can you check this commit? https://github.com/RainyXeon/Cylane/tree/b2361f7af0813666f2d2e4079c063bbc8554b88e

OrdinaryEnder commented 1 year ago

@OrdinaryEnder Can you check this commit? https://github.com/RainyXeon/Cylane/tree/b2361f7af0813666f2d2e4079c063bbc8554b88e

@RainyXeon it works cheers