Closed adh319 closed 2 months ago
Can u try to console log the node in ready event and send log here?
<ref *2> RainlinkNode {
online: true,
retryCounter: 0,
state: 0,
sudoDisconnect: false,
manager: <ref *1> Rainlink {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
playerCreate: [Array],
playerDestroy: [Array],
nodeClose: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeConnect: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeDisconnect: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeError: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeReconnect: [Function (anonymous)],
PlayerException: [Function (anonymous)],
queueEmpty: [Function (anonymous)],
trackEnd: [Function (anonymous)],
trackResolveError: [Function (anonymous)],
trackStart: [Function (anonymous)],
trackStuck: [Function (anonymous)]
_eventsCount: 13,
_maxListeners: undefined,
shardCount: 1,
library: DiscordJS { client: [MainClient], manager: [Circular *1] },
drivers: [ [Lavalink3], [Nodelink2], [Lavalink4], [FrequenC] ],
rainlinkOptions: {
options: [Object],
library: [DiscordJS],
nodes: [Array],
plugins: [Array]
nodes: RainlinkNodeManager { cache: [Object], manager: [Circular *1] },
players: RainlinkPlayerManager { cache: {}, manager: [Circular *1] },
searchEngines: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
searchPlugins: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
plugins: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
search: [Function: bound search],
id: '1056163726648164413',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
options: {
name: 'Lunox 2',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: '',
secure: false,
driver: 'lavalink/v4/koinu'
driver: Lavalink4 {
id: 'lavalink/v4/koinu',
wsUrl: 'ws://',
httpUrl: '',
manager: <ref *1> Rainlink {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 13,
_maxListeners: undefined,
shardCount: 1,
library: [DiscordJS],
drivers: [Array],
rainlinkOptions: [Object],
nodes: [RainlinkNodeManager],
players: [RainlinkPlayerManager],
searchEngines: [RainlinkDatabase],
searchPlugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
plugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
search: [Function: bound search],
id: '1056163726648164413',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
node: [Circular *2],
playerFunctions: RainlinkDatabase { cache: {} },
functions: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
sessionId: null,
wsClient: RainlinkWebsocket {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 4,
_maxListeners: undefined,
url: 'ws://',
options: [Object],
socket: null,
continueInfo: [Object],
state: 'WAITING',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
rest: RainlinkRest {
manager: <ref *1> Rainlink {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 13,
_maxListeners: undefined,
shardCount: 1,
library: [DiscordJS],
drivers: [Array],
rainlinkOptions: [Object],
nodes: [RainlinkNodeManager],
players: [RainlinkPlayerManager],
searchEngines: [RainlinkDatabase],
searchPlugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
plugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
search: [Function: bound search],
id: '1056163726648164413',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
options: {
name: 'Lunox 2',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: '',
secure: false,
driver: 'lavalink/v4/koinu'
nodeManager: [Circular *2],
sessionId: ''
wsEvent: RainlinkPlayerEvents {
methods: {
TrackStartEvent: [Function: TrackStartEvent],
TrackEndEvent: [Function: TrackEndEvent],
TrackExceptionEvent: [Function: TrackExceptionEvent],
TrackStuckEvent: [Function: TrackStuckEvent],
WebSocketClosedEvent: [Function: WebSocketClosedEvent]
stats: {
players: 0,
playingPlayers: 0,
uptime: 0,
memory: { free: 0, used: 0, allocated: 0, reservable: 0 },
cpu: { cores: 0, systemLoad: 0, lavalinkLoad: 0 },
frameStats: { sent: 0, nulled: 0, deficit: 0 }
<ref *2> RainlinkNode {
online: true,
retryCounter: 0,
state: 0,
sudoDisconnect: false,
manager: <ref *1> Rainlink {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
playerCreate: [Array],
playerDestroy: [Array],
nodeClose: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeConnect: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeDisconnect: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeError: [Function (anonymous)],
nodeReconnect: [Function (anonymous)],
PlayerException: [Function (anonymous)],
queueEmpty: [Function (anonymous)],
trackEnd: [Function (anonymous)],
trackResolveError: [Function (anonymous)],
trackStart: [Function (anonymous)],
trackStuck: [Function (anonymous)]
_eventsCount: 13,
_maxListeners: undefined,
shardCount: 1,
library: DiscordJS { client: [MainClient], manager: [Circular *1] },
drivers: [ [Lavalink3], [Nodelink2], [Lavalink4], [FrequenC] ],
rainlinkOptions: {
options: [Object],
library: [DiscordJS],
nodes: [Array],
plugins: [Array]
nodes: RainlinkNodeManager { cache: [Object], manager: [Circular *1] },
players: RainlinkPlayerManager { cache: {}, manager: [Circular *1] },
searchEngines: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
searchPlugins: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
plugins: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
search: [Function: bound search],
id: '1056163726648164413',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
options: {
name: 'Lunox 2',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: '',
secure: false,
driver: 'lavalink/v4/koinu'
driver: Lavalink4 {
id: 'lavalink/v4/koinu',
wsUrl: 'ws://',
httpUrl: '',
manager: <ref *1> Rainlink {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 13,
_maxListeners: undefined,
shardCount: 1,
library: [DiscordJS],
drivers: [Array],
rainlinkOptions: [Object],
nodes: [RainlinkNodeManager],
players: [RainlinkPlayerManager],
searchEngines: [RainlinkDatabase],
searchPlugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
plugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
search: [Function: bound search],
id: '1056163726648164413',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
node: [Circular *2],
playerFunctions: RainlinkDatabase { cache: {} },
functions: RainlinkDatabase { cache: [Object] },
sessionId: 'dlneykfqlucth289',
wsClient: RainlinkWebsocket {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 4,
_maxListeners: undefined,
url: 'ws://',
options: [Object],
socket: [Socket],
continueInfo: [Object],
state: 'WAITING',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
rest: RainlinkRest {
manager: <ref *1> Rainlink {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 13,
_maxListeners: undefined,
shardCount: 1,
library: [DiscordJS],
drivers: [Array],
rainlinkOptions: [Object],
nodes: [RainlinkNodeManager],
players: [RainlinkPlayerManager],
searchEngines: [RainlinkDatabase],
searchPlugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
plugins: [RainlinkDatabase],
search: [Function: bound search],
id: '1056163726648164413',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
options: {
name: 'Lunox 2',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: '',
secure: false,
driver: 'lavalink/v4/koinu'
nodeManager: [Circular *2],
sessionId: 'dlneykfqlucth289'
wsEvent: RainlinkPlayerEvents {
methods: {
TrackStartEvent: [Function: TrackStartEvent],
TrackEndEvent: [Function: TrackEndEvent],
TrackExceptionEvent: [Function: TrackExceptionEvent],
TrackStuckEvent: [Function: TrackStuckEvent],
WebSocketClosedEvent: [Function: WebSocketClosedEvent]
stats: {
players: 2,
playingPlayers: 0,
uptime: 491222844,
memory: {
free: 106052792,
used: 233685832,
allocated: 339738624,
reservable: 4192206848
cpu: {
cores: 6,
systemLoad: 0.003801765105227427,
lavalinkLoad: 0.0009502090459901179
frameStats: { sent: 0, nulled: 0, deficit: 0 }
i have put 2 different lavalink in node options. but only the second one is loaded and loaded twice. the first one is not loaded or connected
lavalink 1: Screenshot lavalink 2: Screenshot
I tried and can't reproduce. Can u try to console.log the varible where u pass the node list?
[Rainlink] | Finished the initialization process | Registered 0 plugins | Now connect all current nodes
[Rainlink] / [Node @ owo1] | No driver was found, using lavalink v4 driver instead
[Rainlink] / [NodeManager] | Node owo1 added to manager!
[Rainlink] / [Node @ owo2] | No driver was found, using lavalink v4 driver instead
[Rainlink] / [NodeManager] | Node owo2 added to manager!
Dreamtest#6494 Ready!
[Rainlink] / [Node @ owo2] | Node connected! URL: ws://
Lavalink owo2: Ready!
name: 'owo2',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: 'youshallnotpass',
secure: false
[Rainlink] / [Node @ owo1] | Node connected! URL: ws://
Lavalink owo1: Ready!
name: 'owo1',
host: '',
port: 2333,
auth: 'jompo',
secure: false
node: {
name: 'owo1',
host: '',
port: 2333,
auth: 'jompo',
secure: false
stats: {
players: 5,
playingPlayers: 0,
uptime: 518062757,
memory: [Object],
cpu: [Object],
frameStats: [Object]
node: {
name: 'owo2',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: 'youshallnotpass',
secure: false
stats: {
players: 50,
playingPlayers: 5,
uptime: 1464359725,
memory: [Object],
cpu: [Object],
frameStats: [Object]
the varible where u pass the node list?
i dont get what you mean, but...
so this is my actual code in nodeConnect event
module.exports = async (client, node) => {
console.log(`[INFO] Node ${} ready`);
and this in my node configuration list looks like
rainlinkNodes: [
name: process.env.NODE_NAME1,
host: process.env.NODE_HOST1,
port: parseInt(process.env.NODE_PORT1),
auth: process.env.NODE_AUTH1,
secure: parseBoolean(process.env.NODE_SECURE1),
driver: process.env.NODE_DRIVER1,
name: process.env.NODE_NAME2,
host: process.env.NODE_HOST2,
port: parseInt(process.env.NODE_PORT2),
auth: process.env.NODE_AUTH2,
secure: parseBoolean(process.env.NODE_SECURE2),
driver: process.env.NODE_DRIVER2,
I tried and can't reproduce. Can u try to console.log the varible where u pass the node list?
[Rainlink] | Finished the initialization process | Registered 0 plugins | Now connect all current nodes [Rainlink] / [Node @ owo1] | No driver was found, using lavalink v4 driver instead [Rainlink] / [NodeManager] | Node owo1 added to manager! [Rainlink] / [Node @ owo2] | No driver was found, using lavalink v4 driver instead [Rainlink] / [NodeManager] | Node owo2 added to manager! Dreamtest#6494 Ready! [Rainlink] / [Node @ owo2] | Node connected! URL: ws:// Lavalink owo2: Ready! { name: 'owo2', host: '', port: 80, auth: 'youshallnotpass', secure: false } [Rainlink] / [Node @ owo1] | Node connected! URL: ws:// Lavalink owo1: Ready! { name: 'owo1', host: '', port: 2333, auth: 'jompo', secure: false } [ { node: { name: 'owo1', host: '', port: 2333, auth: 'jompo', secure: false }, stats: { players: 5, playingPlayers: 0, uptime: 518062757, memory: [Object], cpu: [Object], frameStats: [Object] } }, { node: { name: 'owo2', host: '', port: 80, auth: 'youshallnotpass', secure: false }, stats: { players: 50, playingPlayers: 5, uptime: 1464359725, memory: [Object], cpu: [Object], frameStats: [Object] } } ]
I found where the problem was coming from—it's related to the driver options of Lavalink. I had set the same driver option value for each Lavalink instance since all my Lavalink servers are v4. I thought I needed to include the driver options for them, but once I removed all the driver options, it worked and the issue was fixed.
Hi adh
Hi adh
Ah, make sense. I will try that anyways
Describe the bug It seems that when we set up 2 or more different Lavalink servers, instead of connecting to all of them, it only connects to one. Even though the console logs multiple connections (one for each Lavalink), it repeatedly connects to the same Lavalink server.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior
Screenshots Console logs screenshot
Additional context
Versions v1.0.7