RajKKapadia / YouTube-WhatsApp-OpenAI

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There should be a FROM variable in the env file #2

Closed DiamonndAde closed 1 year ago

DiamonndAde commented 1 year ago

LIke this

FROM:whatsapp:(This is where your twilio number will go into)

ladoual commented 1 year ago

Hi, you mean like this: FROM:whatsapp=+141552xxxxx

i did everything my not respond back from Whatsapp bot do you have any tips ?

RajKKapadia commented 1 year ago

Thanks for pointing out, I have updated the readme file...

ladoual commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update, but I am still experiencing an issue with my WhatsApp bot not responding to all text messages. The logs from my local host and Ngrok show a status code of 200, but the Twilio logs are displaying a warning with error code 12200, indicating a schema validation issue. Can you please advise me on how to resolve this problem?