Rajat2024 / NoteBook

Here notebook is created using React as a frontend and NodeJS as a backend. Here you can add , delete and update notes in your Mongoose database. You create a password using express validation , authentication using JWT Token and salting. An easy way to sign up and log in a notebook, context for data passing through the component.
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[BUG] Name of authenticated user disappears from top navbar #188

Closed fjuren closed 8 months ago

fjuren commented 8 months ago

When logged in, my name correctly displays next to 'Welcome'. If I create a new tab, the name is lost from the navbar. See sample video.

Expected result: Name should show next to 'Welcome' when new tab is opened. Actual result: Name does not show next to 'Welcome' when new tab is opened.


tushar-daiya commented 8 months ago

Can I work on this?

fjuren commented 8 months ago

@tushar-daiya I found the issue this morning. Should be able to fix it today 👍