Rajat2024 / NoteBook

Here notebook is created using React as a frontend and NodeJS as a backend. Here you can add , delete and update notes in your Mongoose database. You create a password using express validation , authentication using JWT Token and salting. An easy way to sign up and log in a notebook, context for data passing through the component.
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Handled error properly, took the validations to another folder #68

Closed nwokporochukwuebuka closed 1 year ago

nwokporochukwuebuka commented 1 year ago

According to what I was assigned, I was able to do two task in one

nwokporochukwuebuka commented 1 year ago

There some environmental variables that are to be added for the JWT and Email. I'll be adding them in a jiffy

nwokporochukwuebuka commented 1 year ago

I will also be adding documentations for the APIs so that frontend Devs would be able to consume it.

Please just give me sometime.

nwokporochukwuebuka commented 1 year ago

Just few hours. I'm running some fixes. For the APIs. Thought I was done but forgot to add something hence the reason for the no response

nwokporochukwuebuka commented 1 year ago

Finally done with three implementations of

nwokporochukwuebuka commented 1 year ago

Please check

TechSpiritSS commented 1 year ago

There are some Merge Conflicts