Rajawali / RajawaliVuforia

Rajawali + Vuforia Augmented Reality
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fail to build the examples #50

Closed flankechen closed 9 years ago

flankechen commented 9 years ago

New bird to android studio. When I sync and import example project to android studio, build action leads to an error like: failed to resolve : 'org.rajawali3d.vuforia:rajawalivuforia:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'

I understand that RajawaliVuforiaExamples -> RajawaliVuforia --> Rajawali

is gradle goes online to find the dependencies? could I add the jars and dependencies like before( things like in eclipse days)


ToxicBakery commented 9 years ago

If you call the uploadArchives task you can build local snapshots of each dependency. This is not very well setup yet and should be much better soon we when start pushing official builds.

waniolka commented 9 years ago

similar here, in my example executing uploadArchives returns fail and:

Could not find org.rajawali3d:rajawali:1.0.232-SNAPSHOT.

MasDennis commented 9 years ago

Hi, Try uncommenting this line: //maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" } That should fix it. Mistakenly commented out. Will fix this.

waniolka commented 9 years ago

Thanks for quick answer. I've managed to build project. Now, what is the proper way of importing project? When I import just RajawaliVuforiaExample still Android Studio Gradle returns error: screenshot

MasDennis commented 9 years ago

RajawaliVuforiaExample shouldn't be looking for the Rajawali lib but the RajawaliVuforia lib in mavenLocal(). It should be looking for org.rajawali3d.vuforia:rajawalivuforia:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. See https://github.com/Rajawali/RajawaliVuforia/blob/master/RajawaliVuforiaExample/app/build.gradle#L23

You should build RajawaliVuforia using this command:

./gradlew clean assembleRelease uploadArchives

This will build the local version of the library.

jalemany1 commented 9 years ago

Hi! I'm having the same problem…

I uncomment the line: //maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" } and build RajawaliVuforia project correctly with this: ./gradlew clean assembleRelease uploadArchives

But when I import just RajawaliVuforiaExample still Android Studio Gradle returns exactly the same error.

waniolka commented 9 years ago

Got solution. Change in RejawaliVuforiaExample build.gradle (this one in root not in app folder):

allprojects {
    repositories {


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" }

Sounds like big workaround byt in my case it worked, app compiled and run perfectly :)

jalemany1 commented 9 years ago

Great! My app compile and run perfectly, too :D

MasDennis commented 9 years ago

Good to hear guys. I'll update the files.

MasDennis commented 9 years ago

You're also welcome to submit a pull request for this :)

MasDennis commented 9 years ago

The fix has been pushed to master.

shabbirsphinx commented 9 years ago

Still get same erro

Failed to resolve: org.rajawali3d.vuforia:rajawalivuforia:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT build_gradle

Boobaalan commented 7 years ago

Cant able to rectify this error error

rkoshti commented 5 years ago

@MasDennis It's not working for me in my latest android studio


kindly help

SinaMN75 commented 5 years ago

same problem here... ERROR: Failed to resolve: org.rajawali3d.vuforia:rajawalivuforia:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT Show in Project Structure dialog Affected Modules: app

image image
rkoshti commented 5 years ago

Seems Library is dead for vuforia

Admin is not interested in rajawali maintainance