RajeshChintkuntlawar / TestYourKnowledge

Bootcamp Second Project - TestYourKnowledge
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Quiz Taker Functionality: Create User Stories along with Gherkin Scenarios #7

Open RajeshChintkuntlawar opened 6 years ago

RajeshChintkuntlawar commented 6 years ago

Create User Stories along with Gherkin Scenarios for Quiz Taker Functionality

RajeshChintkuntlawar commented 6 years ago

Acceptance Criteria 1: As an authenticated User, I'm able to view the list of available quizzes.   Scenario: User selected subject area has previously created Quizzes Given an authenticated user on View Quizzes page When User selects one of the available subject areas Then User is able to view the Question and its possible solution options   Acceptance Criteria 2: As an authenticated User, I'm able to take a quiz from the available list.   Scenario: User attempts a Quiz Given an authenticated user on View Quizzes page And User selects one of the available subject areas When User is able to view the Question and its possible solution options Then User can take the Quiz and submit the selected option for verification   Scenario: User cancels answering the Quiz Given an authenticated user on View Quizzes page And User selects one of the available subject areas And User is able to view the Question and its possible solution options And User can take the Quiz and submit the selected option for verification When User cancels answering the Quiz Then User is redirected to available subject areas page

Acceptance Criteria 3: As an authenticated User, I'm able to view the results of quiz attempted.   Scenario: User can review the results Given an authenticated user on View Quizzes page And User selects one of the available subject areas And User is able to view the Question and its possible solution options When User can take the Quiz and submit the selected option for verification Then User is provided with verified result