Closed ghost closed 7 years ago
I am trying to pass simple hash but this php script is not working and no changes are there in the database can you help me modify it plss
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class DB_Functions { private $Conn; //constructor function __construct(){ require_once ('Connect.php'); //connection to database $db = new Connect(); $this->conn = $db->connect(); } // destructor function __destruct() { } ///////////////////////////////// LOGIN SYSTEM ///////////////////////////// /* * * STUDENT SECTION * * */ //store student data in db with encrypted_password public function storeUsersData($fullname, $username, $email, $password, $confirmpassword){ $uuid = uniqid('', true); // auto generate uuid from php's method $password == $confirmpassword; $sql = "INSERT INTO student(unique_id, username, email, password, active, fullname) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?)"; //insert data into student table //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ssssssss", $uuid, $username, $email, $password, $verify, $fullname); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if data is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM student WHERE email = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $email); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } // return username and password from db for student public function getuserData($username, $password){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM student WHERE username = ? "); $push->bind_param("ss", $username); if ($push->execute()) { $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); { // user authentication details are correct return $user; }else{ return false; } }else { return NULL; } } //check if user's data present in db using student public function checkifuserexisted($username){ $check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT username FROM student WHERE username = ?"); $check->bind_param("s", $username); $check->execute(); $check->store_result(); if ($check->num_rows>0) { $check->close(); // user is existed return true; }else { return false; // user is not existed } } //send email verification for student public function sendemailverify($email, $username, $password){ //Fetch result $result = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT grno FROM student WHERE email='".$email."'"); $subject = 'Signup | Verification'; $message = 'Thanks for signing up! Your account has been created, you can login with the following credentials after you have activated your account by pressing the url below. ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password.' ------------------------ Please click this link to activate your account:'.$email.'; $headers = 'From:noreply@Slrtce pocket app' . "\r\n"; //setup header for mail mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email }else{ echo "error"; } } //check email verfied or not student public function checkuseractived($username){ $search = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT username, active FROM student WHERE username='".$username."' AND active='1'"); $match = mysqli_num_rows($search); if($match > 0){ return $search; }else{ return false; } } //Forgot password student public function forgotPassword($password, $confirmpassword,$username){ $password == $confirmpassword; $sql = "UPDATE student SET encrypted_password= ? AND username = ?"; //update query //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ssss", $password, $username); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. //$result = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); //close return $result; }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } //send email notification if password is changed public function sendemailnotify($username, $password){ //Fetch result $getemail = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT email FROM student WHERE username='".$username."'"); //query for email from user $match = mysqli_fetch_row($getemail); $email = $match[0]; if($email > 0){ $to = $email; $subject = 'Password Changed'; $message = 'Your new password is... ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password.' ------------------------ You can manage your credential anytime in student pocket app'; $headers = 'From:noreply@Slrtce pocket app' . "\r\n"; //setup header for mail mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email }else{ echo "error"; } } /* * * STUDENT SECTION ENDS * * */ /* * * TEACHER SECTION * * */ //store teacher data in db with encrypted_password public function storeTeachersData($fullname, $username, $email, $password, $confirmpassword){ $uuid = uniqid('', true); $password == $confirmpassword; $sql = "INSERT INTO teacher(unique_id, username, email, password, teacherid, active, fullname) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?)"; //insert data into student table //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ssssssss", $uuid, $username, $email, $encrypted_password, $salt, $teacherid, $verify, $fullname); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if data is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM teacher WHERE email = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $email); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } // return username and password from db teacher public function getteacherData($username, $password, $teacherid){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM teacher WHERE username = ? AND teacherid = ? "); $push->bind_param("ss", $username, $teacherid); if ($push->execute()) { $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); // verifying user password $password = $user['password']; { // user authentication details are correct return $user; }else{ return false; } }else { return NULL; } } //check if user's data present in db using username in teacher public function checkifteacherexisted($username){ $check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM teacher WHERE username = ?"); $check->bind_param("s", $username); $check->execute(); $check->store_result(); if ($check->num_rows>0) { $check->close(); // user is existed return true; }else { return false; // user is not existed } } //check if user's grno present in db teacher public function checkifteacheridgrexisted($teacherid){ $check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT teacherid FROM teacher WHERE teacherid =? "); $check->bind_param("s", $teacherid); $check->execute(); $check->store_result(); if ($check->num_rows>0) { $check->close(); // teacherid is existed return true; }else { return false; // teacherid is not existed } } //send email verification for teacher public function sendemailverifyforteacher($email, $username, $password){ //Fetch result $result = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT teacherid FROM teacher WHERE email='".$email."'"); $hashresult = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT hash FROM teacher WHERE email='".$email."'"); $match = mysqli_fetch_row($result); $matchs = mysqli_fetch_row($hashresult); $teacherid = $match[0]; $to = $email; $subject = 'Signup | Verification'; $message = 'Thanks for signing up! Your account has been created, you can login with the following credentials after you have activated your account by pressing the url below. ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password.' TeacherID: '.$teacherid.' ------------------------ Please click this link to activate your account:'.$email.'&hash='.$hash.''; $headers = 'From:noreply@' . "\r\n"; //setup header for mail mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email }else{ return false; } } //check email verfied or not teacher public function checkteacheractived($username){ $search = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT username, active FROM teacher WHERE username='".$username."' AND active='1'"); $match = mysqli_num_rows($search); if($match > 0){ $search->close(); return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * * Forgot password Teacher **/ public function forgotPasswordT($password, $confirmpassword, $teacherid, $username){ $password == $confirmpassword; $sql = "UPDATE teacher SET password= ? WHERE teacherid = ? AND username = ?"; //update query //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ssss", $password, $teacherid, $username); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } //send email notification if password is changed public function sendemailnotifyT($username, $password){ //Fetch result $getemail = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT email FROM teacher WHERE username='".$username."'"); //query for email from user $match = mysqli_fetch_row($getemail); $email = $match[0]; if($email > 0){ $to = $getemail; $subject = 'Password Changed'; $message = 'Your new password is... ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password.' ------------------------ You can manage your credential anytime in student pocket app'; $headers = 'From:noreply@Slrtce pocket app' . "\r\n"; //setup header for mail mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email }else{ echo "error"; } } /* * * TEACHER SECTION ENDS * * */ /* * * NON-TEACHING SECTION START * * */ //store non-teaching data in db with encrypted_password public function storeUsersDataNonT($fullname, $username, $email, $password, $confirmpassword){ $uuid = uniqid('', true); $sql = "INSERT INTO nonteacher(unique_id, username, email, password, nonteachid, active, fullname) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, ?)"; //insert data into student table //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ssssssss", $uuid, $username, $email, $password, $nonteachid, $verify, $fullname); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if data is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM nonteacher WHERE email = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $email); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } //check if user's data present in db using non-teaching public function checkifuserexistedNonT($username){ $check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT username FROM nonteacher WHERE username = ?"); $check->bind_param("s", $username); $check->execute(); $check->store_result(); if ($check->num_rows>0) { $check->close(); // user is existed return true; }else { return false; // user is not existed } } //check if user's nonteachid present in db non-teaching public function checkifuserexistedNonid($nonteachid){ $check = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT nonteachid FROM nonteacher WHERE nonteachid = ?"); $check->bind_param("s", $nonteachid); $check->execute(); $check->store_result(); if ($check->num_rows>0) { $check->close(); return true; // nonteachid is existed }else { return false; // nonteachid is not existed } } //send email verification for non-teaching public function sendemailverifynonT($email, $username, $password){ //Fetch result $result = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT nonteachid FROM nonteacher WHERE email='".$email."'"); $hashresult = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT hash FROM nonteacher WHERE email='".$email."'"); $match = mysqli_fetch_row($result); $matchs = mysqli_fetch_row($hashresult); $nonteachid = $match[0]; $hash = $matchs[0]; if($nonteachid > 0 && $hash >0){ $to = $email; $subject = 'Signup | Verification'; $message = 'Thanks for signing up! Your account has been created, you can login with the following credentials after you have activated your account by pressing the url below. ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password.' NTID: '.$nonteachid. ' ------------------------ Please click this link to activate your account:'.$email.'&hash='.$hash.''; $headers = 'From:noreply@Slrtce pocket app' . "\r\n"; //setup header for mail mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email }else{ echo "error"; } } //check email verfied or not non-teaching public function checkuseractivedNont($username){ $search = mysqli_query($this->conn, "SELECT username, active FROM nonteacher WHERE username='".$username."' AND active='1'"); $match = mysqli_num_rows($search); if($match > 0){ return $search; }else{ return false; } } /** * * Forgot password student **/ public function forgotPasswordNT($password, $confirmpassword, $nonteachid, $username){ $password == $confirmpassword; $sql = "UPDATE nonteacher SET password= ?, salt= ? WHERE nonteachid = ? AND username = ?"; //update query //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ssss", $password, $nonteachid, $username); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } //send email notification if password is changed public function sendemailnotifyNT($username, $password){ //Fetch result $getemail = mysqli_query($this->conn,"SELECT email FROM nonteacher WHERE username='".$username."'"); //query for email from user $match = mysqli_fetch_row($getemail); $email = $match[0]; if($email > 0){ $to = $getemail; $subject = 'Password Changed'; $message = 'Your new password is... ------------------------ Username: '.$username.' Password: '.$password.' ------------------------ You can manage your credential anytime in student pocket app'; $headers = 'From:noreply@Slrtce pocket app' . "\r\n"; //setup header for mail mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // Send our email }else{ echo "error"; } } /* * * NON-TEACHING SECTION ENDS * * */ /* * * COMMON STUFF * * */ //check valid email public function isValidEmail($email){ return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false; } //////////////////////////// Upload Work ///////////////////////////// /** * * Store nTeacher and Teacher upload data in db (Notices) */ public function storeUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into upload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM upload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } /** * * Store Teacher upload data in Fedb (Notices) */ public function storeCmpnUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into cmpnupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM cmpnupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } public function storeItUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into itupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM itupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } public function storeEtrxUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into extrxupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM etrxupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } public function storeExtcUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into extcupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM extcupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } public function storeMechUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into mechupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM mechupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } public function storeCivilUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into civilupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM civilupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } /** * * check if file exists in db or not (Notices) **/ public function checkFileExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM upload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } public function checkFileCmpnExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM cmpnupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } public function checkFileExtcExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM extcupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } public function checkFileEtrxExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM Etrxupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } public function checkFileMechExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM mechupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } public function checkFileCivilExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM civilupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } public function checkFileItExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM itupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } /** * * Store nTeacher and Teacher upload data in db (General) */ public function storeGUploadData($name, $url){ $sql = "INSERT into gupload(name, url) VALUES (?,?)"; //prepare query if($push = $this->conn->prepare($sql)){ $push->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); // bind query $result = $push->execute(); //finally execute. $push->close(); //close //check if file url is stored successfully in database or not if($result){ $push = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM gupload WHERE url = ?"); $push->bind_param("s", $url); $push->execute(); $user = $push->get_result()->fetch_assoc(); $push->close(); return $user; }else { return false; } }else{ //error !! don't go further var_dump($this->conn->error); } } /** * * check if file exists in db or not (General) **/ public function checkGFileExists($name, $url){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM gupload WHERE name = ? AND url = ?"; $query = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $query->bind_param("ss", $name, $url); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); if ($query->num_rows>0) { $query->close(); return true; }else { return false; // grno is not existed } } }
Solved :)
I am trying to pass simple hash but this php script is not working and no changes are there in the database can you help me modify it plss
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