Rakhyvel / Erovra

Real-time strategy game
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Add supply chain mechanic #56

Open Rakhyvel opened 5 years ago

Rakhyvel commented 5 years ago

As more and more people get good at playing this game, I forsee the main strategy being to bulk up as many units as possible, and just wait until the other attacks. This is not the direction I want the game to go in.

There needs to be a mechanic that limits the amount of tactical units produced. Be that fuel/food/mobilization, whatever. I want to see strategic plays against supply chains used, as this would be not only be fun, it would control the number of units played, and make bulk strategies impossible.

The mechanic added should be simple, and work well with the already established mechanics of the game. Cities should be the way to expand, and building more cities should allow one to build more units. When you build more cities, your capacity to build more units should increase.

All in all, the supply chain mechanic should not interfere too much with normal game play, if only to make it more interesting, and make bulk strategies impossible/unfeasible.

Rakhyvel commented 4 years ago

Should be that theres ore in places, and you need to mine it to get gold. Mines send out minecarts which pathfind to the nearest fort/capital, and it then gets added to the vault or something. The thing is, the minecarts are vulnerable when

Cities then will give people, who will add to the unit capacity of the nation.