Raku / App-Rakubrew

Raku environment manager
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HTML Profile broken due to template location #17

Closed rbt closed 4 years ago

rbt commented 4 years ago

I think it might be looking in the wrong location for template.html

$ rakubrew version
Currently running moar-2020.06

$ raku --profile -e 'say "foo";'
Writing profiler output to profile-1594494215.861275.html
Could not locate profiler/template.html; should have been at /rakudo-2020.06/install/share/nqp/lib/profiler/template.html; outputting sql data instead
Writing profiler output to profile-1594494215.861275.sql

$ find ~/.rakubrew -name template.html
rbt commented 4 years ago

This is a rakubrew download issue. rakubrew build works as expected.

patrickbkr commented 4 years ago

Actually this is a bug in NQP and it's (non-)handling of relocatability. I'm working on it.

patrickbkr commented 4 years ago

This is now fixed with NQP 3e5403f1 and Rakudo 37d5831. It should start working in Rakudo 2020.07.