Raku / App-Rakubrew

Raku environment manager
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White-space in path name #2

Closed SqrtNegInf closed 4 years ago

SqrtNegInf commented 4 years ago

The whitespace in directory name 'Application Support' needs to be escaped/quoted.

The install command:

curl https://rakubrew.org/install-on-perl.sh | sh

Yields this output:

sh: line 33: [: /Users/dhoekman/Library/Application: binary operator expected
Installing rakubrew to /Users/dhoekman/Library/Application Support/.rakubrew ...

sh: line 50: /Users/dhoekman/Library/Application: No such file or directory
SqrtNegInf commented 4 years ago

Issue goes away with corrected install command:

https://rakubrew.org/install-on-macos.sh | sh