Raku / App-Rakubrew

Raku environment manager
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Hot to find the p6doc binary #25

Closed anquegi closed 4 years ago

anquegi commented 4 years ago

rakubrew v9 Build type: macos OS: darwin

Usually env, but I tried also with shim

Thanks for this great raku version manager, recently I started to learn raku, and going inside to perl world. so maybe my question is inaccurate.

Recently I installed the new stable version of raku:

❯ rakubrew list
* moar-2020.08.2

I installed zef rakubrew build-zef and linenoise zef install Linenoise and it worked well (the autocomplete feature), but now I installed the p6doc following but I cannot find the p6doc executable:

~ via ⬢ v12.4.0
❯ p6doc
zsh: command not found: p6doc

~ via ⬢ v12.4.0
❯ which raku

~ via ⬢ v12.4.0
❯ ls /Users/toni/.rakubrew/versions/moar-2020.08.2/install/bin/
moar            perl6-debug-m       raku            rakudo-gdb-m
nqp         perl6-gdb-m     raku-debug      rakudo-lldb-m
nqp-m           perl6-lldb-m        rakudo          rakudo-m
perl6           perl6-m         rakudo-debug        rakudo-valgrind-m
perl6-debug     perl6-valgrind-m    rakudo-debug-m

so I cannot use p6doc

patrickbkr commented 4 years ago

Thanks for bringing this up!

I think the documentation tooling is in a large process of refactoring at the moment. As far as I understand the p6doc module does not provide a p6doc command line utility anymore. According to the readme the new rakudoc utility is provided only in a repo at the moment.

I hope this clears up the confusion a little. If not, please reopen.

@JJ Can you confirm the above is correct?

JJ commented 4 years ago

Essentially correct, yes