Raku / App-Rakubrew

Raku environment manager
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MacOS build of jvm-2021.12 reports success, yet marked 'broken' and cannot switch to it #47

Closed SqrtNegInf closed 2 years ago

SqrtNegInf commented 2 years ago

The Problem

Attempted to build with the command:

rakubrew build jvm-2021.12

Tail end of build log:

    Installed 13 core modules in 224.598 seconds!
+++ Installing JVM launcher
+++ Rakudo installed succesfully!

Rakudo has been built and installed.
Updating shims
Done, jvm-2021.12 built

But attempting to use the build fails:

% rakubrew versions
BROKEN   jvm-2021.12
* moar-blead

% rakubrew switch jvm-2021.12
Version jvm-2021.12 is broken. Refusing to switch to it.

However if I call it directly, it works fine

% ~/.rakubrew/versions/jvm-2021.12/install/bin/perl6-j -v
Welcome to Rakudo™ v2021.12.
Implementing the Raku® Programming Language v6.d.
Built on JVM.
% ~/.rakubrew/versions/jvm-2021.12/install/bin/perl6-j -e 'say 2**8'

Work-arounds (not good, good)

I wondered if the is_version_broken routine (VersionHandling.pm) was failing here for not finding a matching name, as per line 92, but copying perl6-j as perl6 didn't help.

for my $exec ('raku', 'raku.bat', 'raku.exe', 'perl6', 'perl6.bat', 'perl6.exe') {

I was able to successfully build jvm-2021.12 on my own with:

perl Configure.pl --gen-nqp --backends=jvm --prefix ~/raku/jvm-2021.12; make install

Did a diff -r on the two directory trees, but nothing stood out as a potential problem.


patrickbkr commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed by https://github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/commit/1553868483af480c1d1b083716163eb5f743c2d0 which went live with v27. Thanks for the report!

SqrtNegInf commented 2 years ago

Success! (using latest, v28)