Raku / doc-website

Tooling to build/run the documentation website
Artistic License 2.0
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Search sidebar UI bug #396

Open dontlaugh opened 1 month ago

dontlaugh commented 1 month ago

Reported by @AlexDaniel


AlexDaniel commented 1 month ago

Reproducible by resizing the browser window using any browser.

finanalyst commented 1 month ago

This is a known CSS bug. It is related to the interaction of panels, the left hand optional panel containing the Contents listing, in the Tab form factor settings of Bulma.

Since the left hand Contents panel can be closed if it interferes too much with reading, it has a low priority.

The Bulma Framework has been upgraded (including a new cross-browser mechanism to have different theme) since this variation of the website was developed.

Hopefully, upgrading and implementing a more consistent use of Bulma CSS will make this flaw easier to handle.

Another known flaw is the appearance of the website on a smartphone.