Open coke opened 8 months ago
my role X::Proc::Async is Exception { has Proc::Async $.proc; }
in the source, and this in the docs:
=head2 method proc method proc(X::Proc::Async:D --> Proc::Async)
this fails:
➜ doc git:(main) ✗ RAKUDO_SRC=/Users/coke/sandbox/rakudo xt/check-signatures.rakutest doc/Type/X/Proc/Async.rakudoc 1..1 # Subtest: check X::Proc::Async methods 1..1 ok 1 - # SKIP X::Proc::Async.proc not found on X::Proc::Async ok 1 - check X::Proc::Async methods
(OK, it SKIPs, but it should pass cleanly) - it doesn't realize that a getter is created for that class
Note - this is shown as a method in the source, but it's not a method. Perhaps the fix is to document it like
in the source, and this in the docs:
this fails:
(OK, it SKIPs, but it should pass cleanly) - it doesn't realize that a getter is created for that class