Raku / docker

Docker files for Rakudo Star
Artistic License 2.0
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Replace Perl with Raku #29

Closed paultcochrane closed 4 years ago

paultcochrane commented 4 years ago

While reading the README files, I noticed situations where Perl or Perl 6 or p6 were used instead of the relevant Raku equivalent. This PR updates the README files to use the new name. The PR is split into several commits so that they can be cherry-picked if so desired. If you want any changes made to this PR, please let me know and I'll be happy to update and resubmit as necessary.

paultcochrane commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot, please check if the Travis URL works.

Actually I did, and it does work, however you're right, the capitalised version would be better. I'll update the commit and force-push the changes.

paultcochrane commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, one of the Travis builds failed. It looks like something weird is happening with key signing step. This is also causing builds of a new PR to fail completely. Any idea what's going on here? Error details are:

+ gpg --batch --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys ECF8B611205B447E091246AF959E3D6197190DD5 7A6C9EB8809CFEAF0ED4E09F18C438E6FF24326D B6F697742EFCAF5F23CE51D5031D65902E840821

gpg: keybox '/tmp/tmp.6REZTLsgQI/pubring.kbx' created

gpg: /tmp/tmp.6REZTLsgQI/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created

gpg: key 7A6AC285E2D98827: public key "Patrick Spek <p.spek@tyil.nl>" imported

gpg: key 18C438E6FF24326D: public key "Naoum Hankache <naoum88@gmail.com>" imported

gpg: key 959E3D6197190DD5: 1 duplicate signature removed

gpg: key 959E3D6197190DD5: 2 bad signatures

gpg: key 959E3D6197190DD5: no user ID for key signature packet of class 13

gpg: key 959E3D6197190DD5: no user ID for signature

gpg: Total number processed: 3

gpg:               imported: 2

The command '/bin/sh -c buildDeps='         gcc         libc6-dev         libencode-perl         make     '         url="https://rakudo.org/dl/star/rakudo-star-${rakudo_version}.tar.gz"     keyserver='ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net'     keyfp='ECF8B611205B447E091246AF959E3D6197190DD5 7A6C9EB8809CFEAF0ED4E09F18C438E6FF24326D B6F697742EFCAF5F23CE51D5031D65902E840821'     tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)"     && set -x     && export GNUPGHOME="$tmpdir"     && apt-get update     && apt-get --yes install --no-install-recommends $buildDeps     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*     && mkdir ${tmpdir}/rakudo         && curl -fsSL ${url}.asc -o ${tmpdir}/rakudo.tar.gz.asc     && curl -fsSL $url -o ${tmpdir}/rakudo.tar.gz     && gpg --batch --keyserver $keyserver --recv-keys $keyfp     && gpg --batch --verify ${tmpdir}/rakudo.tar.gz.asc ${tmpdir}/rakudo.tar.gz         && tar xzf ${tmpdir}/rakudo.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C ${tmpdir}/rakudo     && (         cd ${tmpdir}/rakudo         && perl Configure.pl --prefix=/usr --gen-moar         && make install     )     && rm -rf $tmpdir     && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove $buildDeps' returned a non-zero code: 2

The command "docker build -t rakudo-star $DOCKERFILE_LOCATION" exited with 2.
JJ commented 4 years ago


JJ commented 4 years ago

Would need to test locally. It includes something called "hack-my-build.sh" so who knows...

zakame commented 4 years ago

hack-my-build.sh came from https://github.com/Raku/docker/pull/21, perhaps this is due for refactoring for https://github.com/Raku/docker/blob/75c4cb06dd217448d2c9622249b48992fb9e18c2/Dockerfile#L18

(e.g. HA keyservers aren't really highly-available...)