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Which modules are not installable?
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Locale-Codes-Country #455

Closed AlexDaniel closed 5 years ago

AlexDaniel commented 5 years ago

Module Locale-Codes-Country cannot be installed (Flapper), perhaps it has some failing tests.

If you can't self-assign yourself or attach a label, please let us know on #perl6 channel on freenode or just leave a comment here. We will try to give you privileges as fast as possible.


===> Searching for: Locale-Codes-Country
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/alex/Blin/installed/Locale-Codes-Country_1.0.0/sources/748E2CD905ABAE0827AACEEB7D7FA84FF39281D5 (Locale::Codes::Country)
Too late to switch language version. Must be used as the very first statement.
at /home/alex/Blin/installed/Locale-Codes-Country_1.0.0/sources/748E2CD905ABAE0827AACEEB7D7FA84FF39281D5 (Locale::Codes::Country):2
------> use v6⏏;

===> Found: Locale-Codes-Country:ver<1.0.0>:auth<Dean Powell> [via Zef::Repository::Ecosystems<p6c>]
===> Fetching [OK]: Locale-Codes-Country:ver<1.0.0>:auth<Dean Powell> to /home/alex/Blin/data/zef-data/tmp/1549579416.10493.3552/Locale-Codes-Country.git
===> Extraction [OK]: Locale-Codes-Country to /home/alex/Blin/data/zef-data/store/Locale-Codes-Country.git
===> Testing: Locale-Codes-Country:ver<1.0.0>:auth<Dean Powell>
===> Testing [OK] for Locale-Codes-Country:ver<1.0.0>:auth<Dean Powell>
===> Installing: Locale-Codes-Country:ver<1.0.0>:auth<Dean Powell>
===> Install [FAIL] for Locale-Codes-Country:ver<1.0.0>:auth<Dean Powell>: ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/alex/Blin/installed/Locale-Codes-Country_1.0.0/sources/748E2CD905ABAE0827AACEEB7D7FA84FF39281D5 (Locale::Codes::Country)
Too late to switch language version. Must be used as the very first statement.
at /home/alex/Blin/installed/Locale-Codes-Country_1.0.0/sources/748E2CD905ABAE0827AACEEB7D7FA84FF39281D5 (Locale::Codes::Country):2
------> use v6⏏;

Ping @PowellDean

PowellDean commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the ping. I've just installed the module from scratch from a command line: 'zef install Locale-Codes-Country.' Install went without issue, and I'm able to call the various subroutines as expected. My machine is Windows 10, using Rakudo Star version 2018.04.1, implementing v6.c.

Not sure what the 'Too late to switch language version...' message refers to but I'll dig into it.

Regards, Dean Powell

AlexDaniel commented 5 years ago

@PowellDean Ah, that's is a relatively recent change. 2018.04 still allows use v lines to be anywhere, so you need a newer rakudo version to reproduce.

Basicaly just move this line to the top of the file: https://github.com/PowellDean/Locale-Codes-Country/blob/1b6e903b95769a905c73899302797453665ffd1b/lib/Locale/Codes/Country.pm6#L2

PowellDean commented 5 years ago

@AlexDaniel Fixed and pushed. Many thanks for the spot and the fix. I appreciate the help. I'd update the ticket but it appears I lack permissions to do so. If you wish, grant me appropriate privileges so I can update the ticket, or if it's less work go ahead and close.

AlexDaniel commented 5 years ago

@PowellDean Thank you! I've sent you an invitation, you can accept it here: https://github.com/perl6. The issue will be closed automatically when the time comes :)