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Which modules are not installable?
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Net::BGP #589

Open AlexDaniel opened 5 years ago

AlexDaniel commented 5 years ago

Module Net::BGP cannot be installed (ZefFailure), perhaps it has some failing tests.

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===> Searching for: Net::BGP
«timed out after 600 seconds»

Ping @jmaslak

Altai-man commented 5 years ago

This is clearly a zef hang, trying it out myself:

➜  ~ zef install Net::BGP
===> Searching for: Net::BGP
===> Searching for missing dependencies: DateTime::Monotonic, StrictClass
===> Testing: DateTime::Monotonic:ver<0.0.4>:auth<cpan:JMASLAK>
# START: 0 / 0
# END  : 1.000839157 / 1
# Monotonic Support: True
# Kernel.name      : linux
# START: 0
# END  : 1.000663016
===> Testing [OK] for DateTime::Monotonic:ver<0.0.4>:auth<cpan:JMASLAK>
===> Testing: StrictClass:ver<0.0.3>
===> Testing [OK] for StrictClass:ver<0.0.3>
===> Testing: Net::BGP:ver<0.1.1>:auth<cpan:JMASLAK>
KERNEL Name: linux
# Listening on port 40957
# Listening on port 37625
# Listening on port 38053
# Listening on port 36285
===> Testing [OK] for Net::BGP:ver<0.1.1>:auth<cpan:JMASLAK>
===> Installing: DateTime::Monotonic:ver<0.0.4>:auth<cpan:JMASLAK>
===> Installing: StrictClass:ver<0.0.3>
===> Installing: Net::BGP:ver<0.1.1>:auth<cpan:JMASLAK>

2 bin/ scripts [bgpmon.pod bgpmon.pl6] installed to:
➜  ~ 
AlexDaniel commented 5 years ago

It could also be that it takes too long to test this module («timed out after 600 seconds»).

jmaslak commented 5 years ago

It's my module. I'm also not able to duplicate the issue. It does take a while to compile but 600 seems really slow if it's not a zef hang.