Raku / ecosystem

Raku ecosystem – modules and more
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Modules which have no license field or non-standard values for "license" #324

Open samcv opened 7 years ago

samcv commented 7 years ago

I have automated most of the pull requests below, to ones where it is indisputable what the License of the project was, either due there only being one LICENSE and it matching copies of those licenses almost exactly, or the metadata for license key was set to something such as "The Artistic License 2.0" or the URL of the Artistic License or something ambiguous and able to be automated.

I am posting this here since I have finished the automated stage and going forward most of the rest will probably have to be checked manually to check what license they actually are (for those that have a LICENSE type file), or for those which don't opening an issue for the project.

Example using the licensing of the Perl 5 project, which is dual licensed under Artistic 1.0 as sourced from the Perl site and the GPL-1.0 (or greater):
Artistic-1.0-Perl OR GPL-1.0+

Detailed information about the ones which do not yet have Pull Requests can be seen in this JSON here: https://gist.github.com/samcv/9177c43f2a78049248fcb954c63d28e5

Note: jonathanstowe has stated he would not like any PR regarding metadata to his projects This list contains all non-standard identifiers, and a very small number which have no license at all (added manually and not computer generated like the non-standard identifier ones were).

No PR or Issue

Outstanding Issue

Outstanding PR


Note repeated from above: jonathanstowe has stated he would not like any PR regarding metadata to his projects

Merged or Fixed

JJ commented 4 years ago

Some of these distributions are now under the aegis of raku-community-modules. Maybe we should take a look at it. And while we're at it, some still use META.info and/or panda. Also we should take a look at it...

JJ commented 3 years ago

With respect to the rest, we should take a decision with respect to them, including de-listing them from the ecosystem.

jonathanstowe commented 3 years ago

Probably need to revisit the above list, I'll knock something up a bit later to see what the current state is if someone doesn't get there first.

But personally I'd not be in favour of something quite so draconian as de-listing, I'd probably be more in favour of using a form of words like "We are unable to determine the licence for this module, the details may be available in some other form in the source code, if the licensing is of concern to you please contact the author" maybe with some additional disclaimer.

JJ commented 3 years ago

Well, not in the case of not having a license, of course. But the ecosystem is in need of a bit of curation... If we look hard enough, I'm sure we'll find quite a few META.info.