Raku / evalbot

IRC bot for executing Raku code
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replace `/tmp/...` in output #8

Closed jsoref closed 8 years ago

jsoref commented 8 years ago

1:21 PM P m: say <<# foo>> 1:21 PM C<+camelia> rakudo-moar 9cfcb9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/wTXSi7ITxR␤Unable to parse expression in shell-quote words; couldn't find final '>>' ␤at /tmp/wTXSi7ITxR:1␤------> say <<# foo>>⏏␤ expecting any of:␤ argument list␤ sh…»

could camelia replace /tmp/..../ with script? it eats too many chars from the output :(

AlexDaniel commented 8 years ago

Done. See https://github.com/perl6/evalbot/commit/282650f9d52ff9d42f7b7ea9109a7be9f47022ba and https://github.com/perl6/evalbot/commit/4ef2b5530e6e910732de59713d8c3e5bc0679864