1:21 PM P m: say <<# foo>>
1:21 PM C<+camelia> rakudo-moar 9cfcb9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/wTXSi7ITxRUnable to parse expression in shell-quote words; couldn't find final '>>' at /tmp/wTXSi7ITxR:1------> say <<# foo>>⏏ expecting any of: argument list sh…»
could camelia replace /tmp/..../ with script?
it eats too many chars from the output :(
1:21 PM P m: say <<# foo>>
1:21 PM C<+camelia> rakudo-moar 9cfcb9: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/wTXSi7ITxRUnable to parse expression in shell-quote words; couldn't find final '>>' at /tmp/wTXSi7ITxR:1------> say <<# foo>>⏏ expecting any of: argument list sh…»
could camelia replace
? it eats too many chars from the output :(