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Of what types are +-Inf and NaN #27

Open moritz opened 11 years ago

moritz commented 11 years ago

So far I have assumed that Inf, -Infand NaN are of type Num. Hoever S02 says in the section on Immutable Types:

Int         Perl integer (allows Inf/NaN, arbitrary precision, etc.)

Which opens up the question: what exactly is the type of Inf etc.? If it's Num, an Int can't hold it. If it's an Int, a Num can't hold it. If it's a separate type, that should be specced explicitly.

coke commented 10 years ago

see also: https://rt.perl.org//Public/Bug/Display.html?id=61602

masak commented 9 years ago

I just found this issue and was surprised it didn't link to http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-08-20#i_9217322