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Calling a token 'any' calls for trouble #2083

Open p6rt opened 13 years ago

p6rt commented 13 years ago

Migrated from rt.perl.org#77350 (status was 'open')

Searchable as RT77350$

p6rt commented 13 years ago

From @moritz

22​:39 \< moritz_> rakudo​: grammar A { token TOP { \ }; token any { 'foo' | 'bar' } }; say A.parse('foo') 22​:39 \<+p6eval> rakudo d1015f​: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters passed; got 2 but expected 1␤ in 'Any​::any' at line 1361​:CORE.setting␤ in 'A​::any' at line 22​:/tmp/PUiWn8O0Uy␤ in 'A​::TOP' at line 22​:/tmp/PUiWn8O0Uy␤ in 'Grammar​::parse' at line 5864​:CORE.setting␤ in main program body at line 22​:39 \<+p6eval> ..22​:/tmp/PUiWn8O0Uy␤» 22​:40 \< moritz_> that's a bug, right? 22​:40 \< pmichaud> well, the grammar is overriding the .any method 22​:41 \< moritz_> pmichaud​: but it's not the overridden .any method that is called, right? 22​:41 \< pmichaud> moritz_​: I'm still trying to figure out what's happening there.

p6rt commented 12 years ago

From @coke

No change in the past year.

-- Will "Coke" Coleda

p6rt commented 12 years ago

@coke - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p6rt commented 11 years ago

From @moritz

The problem is that the $*ACTIONS contextual is set to a type object (used to be Any, now Mu), so $*ACTIONS.any existed, but caused an error.

commit 0973612366de17d6eab26e975663e63170e5d1d5 eased some of the pain by switching it from Any to Mu, but the underlying problem is still there.

p6rt commented 10 years ago

From @Mouq

On Thu Oct 18 02​:13​:15 2012, moritz wrote​:

The problem is that the $*ACTIONS contextual is set to a type object (used to be Any, now Mu), so $*ACTIONS.any existed, but caused an error.

commit 0973612366de17d6eab26e975663e63170e5d1d5 eased some of the pain by switching it from Any to Mu, but the underlying problem is still there.

00​:11 \ r​: grammar A { token TOP { \ }; token any { 'foo' | 'bar' } }; say A.parse('foo') 00​:11 \ rakudo-parrot 79167a, rakudo-jvm 79167a, rakudo-moar 79167a​: OUTPUT«「foo」␤ any => 「foo」␤␤»

Closeable with tests

p6rt commented 10 years ago

From @moritz

On 04/14/2014 06​:11 AM, Alexander Moquin via RT wrote​:

On Thu Oct 18 02​:13​:15 2012, moritz wrote​:

The problem is that the $*ACTIONS contextual is set to a type object (used to be Any, now Mu), so $*ACTIONS.any existed, but caused an error.

commit 0973612366de17d6eab26e975663e63170e5d1d5 eased some of the pain by switching it from Any to Mu, but the underlying problem is still there.

00​:11 \ r​: grammar A { token TOP { \ }; token any { 'foo' | 'bar' } }; say A.parse('foo') 00​:11 \ rakudo-parrot 79167a, rakudo-jvm 79167a, rakudo-moar 79167a​: OUTPUT«「foo」␤ any => 「foo」␤␤»

Closeable with tests

The problem can still be reproduced with method names from class Mu, for example 'so'​:

\ m​: grammar A { token TOP { \ }; token so { 'foo' | 'bar' }   }; say A.parse('foo') \ rakudo-moar 07dcb2​: OUTPUT«Too many positional parameters   passed; got 2 but expected 1␤ in method so at   src/gen/m-CORE.setting​:834␤ in any !reduce at   gen/moar/stage2/QRegex.nqp​:759␤ in any !cursor_pass at   gen/moar/stage2/QRegex.nqp​:721␤ in regex so at   /tmp/4Fzij7cVZH​:1…»

p6rt commented 9 years ago

From @jdv

I added a test in S05-grammar/inheritance.t but I'm unsure if this is a valid bug. If the default actions dispatch off the Mu type object then this is expected behavior. Maybe they can be sidestepped as a special case for grammar actions? Or at least a better error message could be spit out.

p6rt commented 8 years ago

From @moritz

The correct solution would be to track the presence or absence of an action class by an out-of-bounds mechanism, like a separate variable.

I just don't know how to do that without making parsing significantly slower.