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Possible include path issue #4281

Open p6rt opened 9 years ago

p6rt commented 9 years ago

Migrated from rt.perl.org#125290 (status was 'open')

Searchable as RT125290$

p6rt commented 9 years ago

From @drforr

This is a touch complex, but with the following directory layout (files attached)

perl6-readline/lib/Readline.pm perl6-debugger/lib/Debugger/UI/CommandLine.pm (please note it's an exact copy of Debugger​::UI​::CommandLine but with 'use Readline;' added.)

The command-line invocation​:

perl6-debugger/$ perl6-debug-m -I../perl6-readline/lib -Ilib -e0

throws the following error from lib/Readline.pm which is not present when I run perl6-readline/t/02-core.t or perl6-readline/examples/echo.pl6 directly. Of course, adding the semicolon is trivial, but the fact that the p6 compiler only complained in the presence of multiple -Ilib paths was a revelation.

--cut here-- perl6-debug-m -Ilib -I../perl6-readline/lib -e 0 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/jgoff/Documents/perl6-debugger/../perl6-readline/lib/Readline.pm Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?) at /home/jgoff/Documents/perl6-debugger/../perl6-readline/lib/Readline.pm​:663 ------> my class time_t is repr('CPointer') { }⏏ # XXX probably already a native type.   expecting any of​:   infix   infix stopper   statement end   statement modifier   statement modifier loop   from module Debugger​::UI​::CommandLine (/home/jgoff/Documents/perl6-debugger/lib/Debugger/UI/CommandLine.pm​:6)   from -e​:1 --cut here--

p6rt commented 9 years ago

From @drforr


p6rt commented 9 years ago

From @drforr


p6rt commented 9 years ago

From @hoelzro

On 2015-05-30 06​:44​:44, drforr@​pobox.com wrote​:

This is a touch complex, but with the following directory layout (files attached)

perl6-readline/lib/Readline.pm perl6-debugger/lib/Debugger/UI/CommandLine.pm (please note it's an exact copy of Debugger​::UI​::CommandLine but with 'use Readline;' added.)

The command-line invocation​:

perl6-debugger/$ perl6-debug-m -I../perl6-readline/lib -Ilib -e0

throws the following error from lib/Readline.pm which is not present when I run perl6-readline/t/02-core.t or perl6-readline/examples/echo.pl6 directly. Of course, adding the semicolon is trivial, but the fact that the p6 compiler only complained in the presence of multiple -Ilib paths was a revelation.

--cut here-- perl6-debug-m -Ilib -I../perl6-readline/lib -e 0 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/jgoff/Documents/perl6-debugger/../perl6-readline/lib/Readline.pm Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?) at /home/jgoff/Documents/perl6-debugger/../perl6-readline/lib/Readline.pm​:663 ------> my class time_t is repr('CPointer') { }⏏ # XXX probably already a native type. expecting any of​: infix infix stopper statement end statement modifier statement modifier loop from module Debugger​::UI​::CommandLine (/home/jgoff/Documents/perl6-debugger/lib/Debugger/UI/CommandLine.pm​:6) from -e​:1 --cut here--

I just tried the following with a fresh Rakudo (2015.06-227-g1b537b9 on Moar 2015.06-91-gf090305)​:

  cd /tmp   git clone github​:drforr/perl6-readline   git clone github​:jnthn/rakudo-debugger perl6-debugger   cd perl6-readline   perl6-debug-m -I../perl6-readline/lib -Ilib -e0

...and the debugger started fine. Is that what you were seeing break?

p6rt commented 9 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'