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how to export alias to module function? #5995

Open p6rt opened 7 years ago

p6rt commented 7 years ago

Migrated from rt.perl.org#130533 (status was 'open')

Searchable as RT130533$

p6rt commented 7 years ago

From melezhik@gmail.com


Probably I I miss the syntax, but I am trying to make an alias for exported module function and have this alias exported either.

$ cat lib/Foo.pm6 use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

$ perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Foo; foo()' hi there


$ cat lib/Foo.pm6 use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

constant &foo-alias = &foo;

perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Foo; Foo​::foo-alias()' hi there


But last one does not compile​:

use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

constant &foo-alias is export = &foo;

$ perl6 -c lib/Foo.pm6 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/melezhik/projects/tmp/lib/Foo.pm6 Can't use unknown trait 'is export' in a sub declaration. at /home/melezhik/projects/tmp/lib/Foo.pm6​:7   expecting any of​:   rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE   pure default DEPRECATED inlinable nodal   prec equiv tighter looser assoc leading_docs trailing_docs



p6rt commented 7 years ago

From @LLFourn

Looks like a bug to me. Seems to be it bugs out if you put "is export" on a constant decl where the RHS is a &sub.

You could do this until it's fixed​:

sub foo is export { } BEGIN EXPORT​::DEFAULT​::{'&foo-alias'} = &foo;

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 1​:21 AM Alexey Melezhik \< perl6-bugs-followup@​perl.org> wrote​:

# New Ticket Created by Alexey Melezhik # Please include the string​: [perl #​130533] # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. # \<URL​: https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl6/Ticket/Display.html?id=130533 >


Probably I I miss the syntax, but I am trying to make an alias for exported module function and have this alias exported either.

$ cat lib/Foo.pm6 use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

$ perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Foo; foo()' hi there


$ cat lib/Foo.pm6 use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

constant &foo-alias = &foo;

perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Foo; Foo​::foo-alias()' hi there


But last one does not compile​:

use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

constant &foo-alias is export = &foo;

$ perl6 -c lib/Foo.pm6 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/melezhik/projects/tmp/lib/Foo.pm6 Can't use unknown trait 'is export' in a sub declaration. at /home/melezhik/projects/tmp/lib/Foo.pm6​:7   expecting any of​:   rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE   pure default DEPRECATED inlinable nodal   prec equiv tighter looser assoc leading_docs trailing_docs



p6rt commented 7 years ago

The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'

p6rt commented 7 years ago

From melezhik@gmail.com

Hi Lloyd!

Seems to be it bugs out if you put "is export" on a constant decl where the RHS is a &sub.


Meanwhile I just do something like this​:

sub foo-alias is export { foo }

This works for me two. I will be waiting till bug is fixed so to rely on better Perl6 syntax. SO, no hurry. Thanks

2017-01-10 14​:35 GMT+03​:00 Lloyd Fournier via RT \perl6\-bugs\-followup@&#8203;perl\.org​:

Looks like a bug to me. Seems to be it bugs out if you put "is export" on a constant decl where the RHS is a &sub.

You could do this until it's fixed​:

sub foo is export { } BEGIN EXPORT​::DEFAULT​::{'&foo-alias'} = &foo;

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 1​:21 AM Alexey Melezhik \< perl6-bugs-followup@​perl.org> wrote​:

# New Ticket Created by Alexey Melezhik # Please include the string​: [perl #​130533] # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. # \<URL​: https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl6/Ticket/Display.html?id=130533 >


Probably I I miss the syntax, but I am trying to make an alias for exported module function and have this alias exported either.

$ cat lib/Foo.pm6 use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

$ perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Foo; foo()' hi there


$ cat lib/Foo.pm6 use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

constant &foo-alias = &foo;

perl6 -Ilib -e 'use Foo; Foo​::foo-alias()' hi there


But last one does not compile​:

use v6;

unit module Foo;

sub foo is export { say "hi there" }

constant &foo-alias is export = &foo;

$ perl6 -c lib/Foo.pm6 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/melezhik/projects/tmp/lib/Foo.pm6 Can't use unknown trait 'is export' in a sub declaration. at /home/melezhik/projects/tmp/lib/Foo.pm6​:7 expecting any of​: rw raw hidden-from-backtrace hidden-from-USAGE pure default DEPRECATED inlinable nodal prec equiv tighter looser assoc leading_docs trailing_docs

