Raku / problem-solving

🦋 Problem Solving, a repo for handling problems that require review, deliberation and possibly debate
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The raku-community-modules organization and its problems. #210

Open JJ opened 3 years ago

JJ commented 3 years ago

After adoption of the latest dozens of supernovus modules, there are now 101 repositories in the organization. Of these 101 repositories, only 68 are actually released into the ecosystem (this does not include supernovus' modules, which haven't changed to the new URL yet)

I just changed the URLs in META.list to the new one massively, although I should probably have released them one by one to check if they work or not...

I think the original intention of this is to be a "module adoption center", but I think we need to design an endgame for every repo there so that it does not become a "module neglecting center". And there are signs of neglect everywhere, and there will be more if we don't really take charge of this.

There are many things that we could do about this, but the most immediate one, I guess, is simply to get many more people into this organization so that they can help. Eventually, more technical means, policy rules and management procedures should take place, but for the time being simply a bit of more attention is very necessary.

patrickbkr commented 3 years ago

Actually I was the one that initiated and proposed the move of supernovus' modules to community-modules.

The way I understand the community-modules organization is that our community was/is small enough that it's feasable to sometimes have modules maintained by the community in general. This especially makes sense for modules that don't change much. Having such projects in a repository to which many people have access makes it easy to fix stuff as one does not depend on some maintainer to be available. In that sense I never percieved community-modules as a module adoption center.

I think projects that have some direct relation to Raku itself make sense to have in the Raku organization. Modules that have no direct relation to Raku (other than being written in Raku) should not be in the Raku org. Those find a place in community-modules.

The incident that started my conversation with supernovus (which lead to this move) was a set of PRs to one of his modules (TimeZone::DateTime) which he didn't notice. It turned out he is still interested in his modules but doesn't have the time to do much (like merging PRs). Community-modules seemed like a natural fit because then people using the modules, finding and fixing a bug can do so directly without him having to worry about it. He then went through all of his modules and filtered out unused and superseded modules. Only the remaining ones were then moved to community-modules.

JJ commented 3 years ago

@patrickbkr although I refer to that move in the post, it's not really the main problem, it's only brought it to the surface, since it made the organization go over 100 modules to maintain. Already 70 modules were a bit too much, but 100 is really out there. Anyway what's done is done, and we need to move forward now. Even if this issue is only good to attract some attention to those modules, I'd be happy.

coke commented 3 weeks ago

Recent discussion on IRC has brought this to the fore again. Need to have: