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Status of the POD6 implementation #69

Open JJ opened 5 years ago

JJ commented 5 years ago

I am not sure what's the status of the Pod6 implementation. @tbrowder has been doing a great job so far, but I'm not sure who else is taking care of that. A lot of what needs to be done is included in this document by @tbrowder, but there are also other parts of the stack (pod-to-text, test) that are not included there. I'll mix and match below.

Anyway, as far as I can tell

All in all, I would say

jnthn commented 4 years ago

I am not sure what's the status of the Pod6 implementation.

Depends what you mean by status, but if you mean "who is working on it", then its status is like just about everything else going on around Perl 6: it's dependent on either volunteers making it happen - as you note, @tbrowder has been doing a great job there for Pod6 - or, on the occasion when we're really lucky, on some organization deciding to throw employee time at it because they need it (or are feeling generous).

In terms of its status in terms of "is the implementation in good shape": certainly I find the Pod6 part of the grammar a bit trickier than the rest of it, but I don't know to what degree that's accidental complexity or a result of Pod6 being quite some effort to parse. I do know that for Comma's parser I mostly followed the grammar in Rakudo (with lots of derivations for handling incomplete constructs), but when I came to Pod6 I decided to work off the spec instead; if I remember correctly, there's quite a lot of imperative elements to the way Pod6 is parsed in Rakudo. That said, I didn't actually get into many of the details yet, and maybe when I do, I'll realize why it's so involved in Rakudo. If I come up with a simpler approach that seems to work, I'll certainly share that.

In terms of the list of things you have: it'd help to prioritize. There's a lot of work there, but probably some bits are more valuable to the Perl 6 documentation effort that others. That doesn't magically make volunteers appear, but at least it's a bit easier to get motivated on things are known to be valuable.

I guess it might help to make Pod6 a "squashathon" topic, which might at least help with some aspects that don't require internals knowledge (such as increasing roast coverage and documenting things that aren't yet documented).

JJ commented 4 years ago

OK, let's try and prioritize.

The squashathon would be a good idea, but just looking at the NQP code @tbrowder has written tells me we have soooo much to learn... If there's someone participating that could help there it would be great, because I have the impression that a big chunk of it will be NQP coding.

AlexDaniel commented 4 years ago

You can't just throw a difficult problem at squashathon participants and expect a lot of work to get done. Practice shows that squashathons only work when you have many (like ≈100 at least) of small actionable tasks. There's no such thing for pod6 (… yet?), so forget it.

JJ commented 4 years ago

OK, so I just closed that PR trying to include P as too difficult to add, but we still need it in the documentation. Something along the lines of that patch would be nice, but we have not agreed on the difference between the doc: and the file: URIs in this context, or how they would be treated. Any feedback on this?