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uniprop needs tests for all unicode properties #195

Open samcv opened 7 years ago

samcv commented 7 years ago


See: http://unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Data_Files for how they are determined (These are Boolean) Values stored here: http://unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/emoji-data.txt If you hadn't seen this before, really great resource to check which symbols have a property:


Numeric Properties

String Properties

Miscellaneous Properties

Catalog Properties

Enumerated Properties

Binary Properties

Total: 118 + 6 Emoji

Implementation specific properties

These are not official Unicode properties and should not have tests written for them. They are listed here for completeness.

zoffixznet commented 7 years ago

Can this be somehow generated instead of done manually?

samcv commented 7 years ago

To generate it I would probably have to write a script to read the UNIDATA files. Maybe it would make sense to generate them after we already have some tests in place. Because otherwise how do you test the generator?

More importantly, a large number of these are derived properties, that are set depending on how a bunch of other properties are set, so it would be quite hard to do.

Once we have tests for all of them it may be a good idea to get some generation in place though for certain properties that would be easy to generate for (that don't rely on a large number of other properties).

flexibeast commented 7 years ago

i'd like to help out with this; can i just start adding tests for properties which haven't yet been checked off?

samcv commented 7 years ago

Yep! See S15-unicode-information/uniprop.t for the properties

flexibeast commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks! Already looking at it. :-)

flexibeast commented 7 years ago

Okay, i've now made PR #222; only changed five properties, so you can make sure i'm on the right track.

samcv commented 7 years ago

Good thank you :)