Raku / tap-harness6

A TAP harness for Raku
Artistic License 2.0
8 stars 15 forks source link

Please tag your releases #39

Closed dod38fr closed 4 years ago

dod38fr commented 4 years ago


I'm part of the Debian team that package Tap::Harness6 (and other Raku modules) for Debian.

I've seen that you have bumped Tap::Harness to version 0.1.0 but there's no matching tag in your repo. This is a problem for us because some of our tools rely on git tag to identify a new release. Without tag, Tap::Harness6 on Debian might get stale because we won't notice that a new version is available.

So could you please tag version 0.1.0 ?

All the best

Dod (for Debian)

ugexe commented 4 years ago

v0.1.0 release tagged -- https://github.com/Raku/tap-harness6/releases/tag/v0.1.0

lizmat commented 4 years ago

@dod38fr Thanks for the headsup. @ugexe Thanks for the tag!

Leont commented 4 years ago

I'll try to pay more attention to it. mi6 isn't handling this distribution well (because it doesn't understand having multiple classes in one compilation unit, https://github.com/skaji/mi6/issues/85), therefore I have to do things manually that in other distributions happen automatically.

dod38fr commented 4 years ago

@ugexe thanks for the tag. That was fast !! :-)