Raku / tap-harness6

A TAP harness for Raku
Artistic License 2.0
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deprecation message #42

Closed MARTIMM closed 2 years ago

MARTIMM commented 2 years ago

runnings raku version

Welcome to 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨™ v2021.06-78-gd668d9929.
Implementing the 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮™ programming language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2021.06-16-g74e828f0a.

I get the following message when testing

Saw 1 occurrence of deprecated code.
Method wait (from TAP::Result) seen at:
  /home/Data/root-opt/Raku/rakudo/install/share/perl6/site/sources/6FEC28FA0762AC132736C81C67CCDB823E5E83FA (TAP), line 148
Please use exitcode and/or signal methods (status is to be removed in 2022.06) instead.
JJ commented 2 years ago

This will have to be addressed. Thanks for the report.

Leont commented 2 years ago

Fixed in #43