Raku / tap-harness6

A TAP harness for Raku
Artistic License 2.0
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CI is not operational #53

Closed Leont closed 1 year ago

Leont commented 2 years ago

It seems the CI hasn't updated in 2 years, and no longer compiles TAP. It should probably be rearchitected.

JJ commented 2 years ago

New options are available for that: https://github.com/JJ/raku-test-action Can help set it up if you want (although it's as easy as dropping a file)

MARTIMM commented 2 years ago

New options are available for that: https://github.com/JJ/raku-test-action Can help set it up if you want (although it's as easy as dropping a file)

Hi Juan, I stumbled over this post and I am interested. I am not interested in Travis-ci anymore and needed to change the remote testing in the near future. You have shown an example on your GitHub site but I have still some questions about it;

Regards, Marcel

JJ commented 2 years ago


  1. Call it test.yaml and drop it at .github/workflows
  2. Yes
  3. It's going to be tested in a Alpine container, so the operating system does not make such a big difference. If you wan testing in different OSs, it's probably not your first option.
JJ commented 2 years ago

It's also failing elsewhere: https://github.com/raku-community-modules/URI/runs/5437842404?check_suite_focus=true I don't think it's a problem with the CI per se.