Raku / whateverable

🤖 Different IRC bots that operate on a bunch of prebuilt Rakudo versions
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Missing features in Releasable #300

Open AlexDaniel opened 6 years ago

AlexDaniel commented 6 years ago

So I'm looking through the release guide and it seems like the bot can do some steps that are currently done manually:

That's basically it I think. Everything else is done by other things. For example, there's some overlap with Undersightable, so maybe checks for deprecated code and copyright dates should be done there (and the only TODO item here is the daily reminder about the upcoming release).

AlexDaniel commented 6 years ago

Actually, yeah, moved two items to https://github.com/perl6/whateverable/issues/273 (and marked them as done, even though they're not done yet but just moved).

AlexDaniel commented 6 years ago

Tests needed for the first TODO and it can be closed.