RalfWinter / lambda-heatpump-modbus-tcp-HA

Home Assistant configuration.yaml additions to integrate Lambda heatpump
Apache License 2.0
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Friendly names ? #6

Closed jtognazzi closed 8 months ago

jtognazzi commented 10 months ago


first many thanks for providing the yaml configuration. It helped a lot to get the data from my Lambda-wp.

A question though (I'm pretty newbie with Home Automation) with your config, I don't get the friendly names as shown in your screenshot. Can I ask how did you manage to have them ?


RalfWinter commented 10 months ago

Hi there, GUI-Editor

friendly names are set via the GUI, please see the red box of the entity editor.

Good luck!

jtognazzi commented 10 months ago

hum, I cannot do that with the modbus sensor image

With other sensors, it is possible :-/

RalfWinter commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I was not fully clear: in the HA GUI you first add a card, to the card you add one or more entity and then you can edit the name- As an example my card for temperatures:


Clicking "Edit" (German: Bearbeiten) you see the added entities:


Then you can edit every entity and set the friendly name (field "Name" which is empty by default): entity