RalfWinter / lambda-heatpump-modbus-tcp-HA

Home Assistant configuration.yaml additions to integrate Lambda heatpump
Apache License 2.0
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Error with "count: 1" , receiving no values #7

Closed FBrokelmann closed 8 months ago

FBrokelmann commented 8 months ago

Hi Ralf, thank you very much for your yaml-config! :-)

I try to get modbus up & running in my HA-Installation (which I installed one week ago, I am new to HA). Unfortunately it dosn't work, maybe you can help me on my issue:


Do you have any idea, where this problem may come from?

My setting is as following: Lambda image

HomeAssistant: image

Thank you very much for your time!

RalfWinter commented 8 months ago

Hi there, your HA screenshot says "Operating System 11.0", so I guess you run it on Windows. My yaml file has been generated on Linux, probably there is a format problem, Windows needs CR/LF where Linux text files only use CR at the end of each line. I suggest you load the yaml on windows notepad and see whether the lines break correctly.

Regarding your connection issue: do you have telnet on your HA machine and can do a "telnet 502" ? This should give you following output:

Connected to . Escape character is '^]'.

If not you have a connection issue. On Android you can download "Modbus Monitor" and check whether your Lambda-heatpump responds to requests.


FBrokelmann commented 8 months ago

Hi Ralf, thanx again for your super fast response! I was able to connect with modbus monitor on my windows maschine before my post , so I knew it has to be the on the HA side. It works fine now, I found a typo in the IP-Adress... (I'm so sorry).

Regarding my problem with "count: 1": There were changes in 2023.10 in modbus integration (see https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/101421). The solution is to remove the parameter (as I did without intuitevly). maybe you want to update your code (or at least be aware of a potential problem during your next update...) ;-)

By the way: I am running a raspberry PI 4 with the latest Version.

Cheers Falk

RalfWinter commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the heads-up, Falk! I am just testing the change without the "count"-lines in my (older-version) HA system, looks good so far. I will publish a new version with all "count"-lines removed soon. No update required on your side in case you already removed all lines starting with "count".


RalfWinter commented 8 months ago

New yaml file uploaded. This contains also new heat pump variables according to latest Modbus spec from Lambda.