Rallaz / LibreCAD

LibreCAD is a 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCad (www.qcad.org). LibreCAD has been re-structured and ported to qt4 and works natively cross platform between OSX, Windows and Linux . See www.librecad.org
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Added capability to let a plugin create multiple menu entries #2

Closed rvt closed 13 years ago

rvt commented 13 years ago


this patch tried ti fix something with the printer, it ended up here by accident, sorry!

Second, I patched all plugins so that they can have multiple entry points, for example:

 return QList<PluginMenuLocation>() << 

PluginMenuLocation("RVT-CAM/Profile", "Profile Preference") << PluginMenuLocation("File", "Import CAM file");