RalphBacon / 205-Internet-Radio

An Internet Streaming Radio using an ESP32 and a VS1053 MP3 decoder, plus an ILI6341 TFT touch screen
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 8 forks source link

Need help to start, please #2

Closed Aleks-Ale closed 3 years ago

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

Please help me to run this project by any method. ESP32 WROOM + 2.8"ili9341 w/touch + VS1053 TFT_eSPI-2.2.23\examples\320 x 240\TFT_Clock - work fine ESP_VS1053_Library\examples\SimpleMp3Player - work fine

Arduino IDE: Compilation runs without errors. But after loading the program into ESP32, I see only a white screen and a cyclic restart in the serial port monitor.

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400806ac
abort() was called at PC 0x401578ef on core 0

Backtrace: 0x4008dc5c:0x3ffe3ab0 0x4008de8d:0x3ffe3ad0 0x401578ef:0x3ffe3af0 0x40157936:0x3ffe3b10 0x4013f85f:0x3ffe3b30 0x4013f94e:0x3ffe3b50 0x4013f905:0x3ffe3b70 0x400dd0b9:0x3ffe3b90 0x400d1ef4:0x3ffe3bb0 0x400e063b:0x3ffe3bd0 0x400820d9:0x3ffe3bf0 0x400822e8:0x3ffe3c20 0x40079053:0x3ffe3c40 0x400790b9:0x3ffe3c70 0x400790c4:0x3ffe3ca0 0x4007928d:0x3ffe3cc0 0x400806de:0x3ffe3df0 0x40007c31:0x3ffe3eb0 0x4000073d:0x3ffe3f20


PlatformIO: Unsuccessfully again. I installed for the first time Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO Core: 5.0.4 in Python 3.9.1.

Library Manager: Installing git+https://github.com/lorol/LITTLEFS.git
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] 
  File "C:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\builder\main.py", line 170:
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\scons-local-4.0.1\SCons\Script\SConscript.py", line 598:
    return _SConscript(self.fs, *files, **subst_kw)
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\scons-local-4.0.1\SCons\Script\SConscript.py", line 287:
    exec(compile(scriptdata, scriptname, 'exec'), call_stack[-1].globals)
  File "C:\users\alexander\.platformio\platforms\espressif32\builder\main.py", line 224:
    target_elf = env.BuildProgram()
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\scons-local-4.0.1\SCons\Environment.py", line 219:
    return self.method(*nargs, **kwargs)
  File "C:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\builder\tools\platformio.py", line 62:
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\scons-local-4.0.1\SCons\Environment.py", line 219:
    return self.method(*nargs, **kwargs)
  File "C:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\builder\tools\platformio.py", line 140:
    project_lib_builder = env.ConfigureProjectLibBuilder()
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\packages\tool-scons\scons-local-4.0.1\SCons\Environment.py", line 219:
    return self.method(*nargs, **kwargs)
  File "C:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\builder\tools\piolib.py", line 1062:
  File "C:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\builder\tools\piolib.py", line 898:
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\manager\_install.py", line 49:
    spec, silent=silent, skip_dependencies=skip_dependencies, force=force
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\manager\library.py", line 86:
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\manager\_install.py", line 97:
    pkg = self.install_from_url(spec.url, spec, silent=silent)
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\manager\_install.py", line 141:
    vcs = VCSClientFactory.new(tmp_dir, url)
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\vcsclient.py", line 55:
    src_dir, remote_url, tag, silent
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\vcsclient.py", line 137:
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\package\vcsclient.py", line 146:
    result = proc.exec_command([cls.command, "--exec-path"])
  File "c:\users\alexander\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\proc.py", line 113:
    p = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\python3\lib\subprocess.py", line 800:
    restore_signals, start_new_session)
  File "C:\Users\Alexander\.platformio\python3\lib\subprocess.py", line 1207:
RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

The Arduino version is somewhat out-of-date and I don't think it auto-detects whether you have a WROVER installed or not (ie additional PSRAM) so I suspect it's trying to allocate all your SRAM to the circular buffer. Go to the main.h and reduce the circular buffer size to 10,000 (ten thousand) which will be fine for WROOM-based ESP32s, although you only get about half a second of buffering. Let me know.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

reduce the circular buffer size to 10,000

Thank you! I tested different values. 80,000 is good. Now I'm trying to understand why pressing the NEXT button on touch srceen does not work. I added calibration and getTouchRaw for the test. These tests work. But pressing the touch button does not work to switch station. Any ideas?

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Do any on screen controls work? Check that the T_IRQ from the screen is connected correctly and is being detected.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

I regret that I won't be implementing a spectrum analyser. But I have already implemented a station lister (it now reads from a text file in the SPIFFS partition) and selects from the screen; I have not uploaded to GitHub yet, as it is in PlatformIO project format only right now. I will have to port it to the Arduino format "soon". IMG_20210108_183255 IMG_20210108_183243

The two photos show the new format of the screen. Pressing the "?" button will bring up pages of stations to choose from.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

There is now an Arduino ported version here: https://github.com/RalphBacon/205-Internet-Radio

See the Arduino IDE Version folder.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

Dear Ralf, Could you please check it out:

stationList.txt : Is necessary to have a comma at the end of each line except the last. stationSelectHelper.h : swap port and path

typedef struct radioStationLayout
    std::string host;
        uint16_t port;
    std::string path;
    std::string friendlyName;
    uint8_t useMetaData;

One question: How can I close the list without changes and go to the home screen? I see only one way: find the active station among all the list pages and click on it to exit without changing the station.

Thank you.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago
  1. You do not need a comma at the end of each line. This is an extract of my current list: "stream.antenne1.de",80,"/a1stg/livestream1.aac","Antenne1.de","1" "bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net","80","/stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_q","BBC Radio 4",0 "stream.antenne1.de",80,"/a1stg/livestream2.mp3","Antenne1 128k",1

  2. The only way to close the station list without changing station is to find the (highlighted) current station and choose that, as you have found out. I will probably change that behaviour in the future with a simple cancel button at the foot of the list (near page X of y). All a work in progress!

tadder commented 3 years ago

Hi Ralph, Your station lister addition is fortuitous as I have been attempting to add an extra station to the code as follows. //8 "internetradio.com", "/virgin", 80, "Virgin Radio", 1, The lister renders this code redundant, so I will concentrate on adding the lister. Are there any guidelines I should follow when adding a new station?

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

The format of the station listing is pretty straightforward:

[host],[port],[path],[friendly name],[use MetaData]

Quotes are optional, it's the commas that matter (so ensure you don't have any, except to delimit the fields)

http is assumed (so don't add that as part of the host. Port is mostly 80 but might be something else. Friendly name is what you see on screen, so don't make it too long. Metadata (0=no, 1=yes) will cause the station to fail if it does not transmit Metadata but you have put a 1 here - that said, the station SHOULD still honour that setting (and just send 0 byte metadata) but some don't seem to follow the rules. Always try it out on a browser (or Winamp) if you have problems to see whether track/artist information is being sent out.

Note that the absence of Track/Artist does not mean they don't send out metadata: I'm listening to a radio station right now that SHOULD send out metadata (and does, but only 0 byte markers, no actual track info) and when I queried it with them they said they were running off a backup server that doesn't send out that info but their main one (when repaired) will do so again!

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago
  1. You do not need a comma at the end of each line.

Unfortunately, I am not an expert in programming and I do not know why we have different results. I see what I see :) This is the log if you run the sketch without any changes.

[I][tftHelpers.h:148] setupDisplayModule(): TFT Initialised
[D][ESP32-WROVER_Web_Radio.ino:79] setup(): Starting player
[V][tftHelpers.h:484] displayTrackArtist(): No delimiter found - using default value
[D][ESP32-WROVER_Web_Radio.ino:84] setup(): Waiting for VS1053 initialisation to complete.
[D][ESP32-WROVER_Web_Radio.ino:91] setup(): Switch player to MP3 mode
[V][tftHelpers.h:484] displayTrackArtist(): No delimiter found - using default value
[V][tftHelpers.h:484] displayTrackArtist(): No delimiter found - using default value
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'stream.antenne1.de'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/a1stg/livestream1.aac'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'Antenne1.de'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'1bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:474] addStationToArray(): Vector size:1
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_q'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'BBC Radio 4'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'0stream.antenne1.de'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:474] addStationToArray(): Vector size:2
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/a1stg/livestream2.mp3'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'Antenne1 128k'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'1listen.181fm.com'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/181-beatles_128k.mp3'

[I][stationSelectHelper.h:446] populateStationList(): Radio stations imported successfully.
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 0 - stream.antenne1.de /a1stg/livestream1.aac 80 (Antenne1.de) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 1 - 80 BBC Radio 4 0 (0stream.antenne1.de) NO
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 2 - /a1stg/livestream2.mp3 1listen.181fm.com 0 (80) NO
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 3 - Beatles 128k 80 1 (/magicmellow.mp3) NO
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 4 - 1edge-bauermz-03-gos2.sharp-stream.com /net2national.mp3 80 (Greatest Hits 112k (National)) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 5 - 8024 Mowtown Magic Oldies 0 (1live-bauer-mz.sharp-stream.com) NO
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 6 - /magicmellow.aac 1stream.btsstream.com 0 (8000) NO

As you can see, the sections are formed incorrectly. Now I put commas at the end of the line. Parsing completes correctly and creates a list of stations.

[V][tftHelpers.h:484] displayTrackArtist(): No delimiter found - using default value
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'stream.antenne1.de'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/a1stg/livestream1.aac'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'Antenne1.de'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'1'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:474] addStationToArray(): Vector size:1
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_q'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'BBC Radio 4'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'0'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:474] addStationToArray(): Vector size:2
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'stream.antenne1.de'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'80'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'/a1stg/livestream2.mp3'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'Antenne1 128k'
[V][stationSelectHelper.h:399] populateStationList(): Parameter:'1'

[I][stationSelectHelper.h:446] populateStationList(): Radio stations imported successfully.
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 0 - stream.antenne1.de /a1stg/livestream1.aac 80 (Antenne1.de) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 1 - bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net /stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_q 80 (BBC Radio 4) NO
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 2 - stream.antenne1.de /a1stg/livestream2.mp3 80 (Antenne1 128k) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 3 - listen.181fm.com /181-beatles_128k.mp3 80 (Beatles 128k) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 4 - stream-mz.planetradio.co.uk /magicmellow.mp3 80 (Mellow Magic (Redirected)) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 5 - edge-bauermz-03-gos2.sharp-stream.com /net2national.mp3 80 (Greatest Hits 112k (National)) YES
[D][stationSelectHelper.h:456] populateStationList(): 6 - airspectrum.cdnstream1.com /1302_192 8024 (Mowtown Magic Oldies) YES
RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Make sure you've taken the complete set of code in my GitHub - this looks like a previous codeset.

tadder commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded the latest Arduino Version and followed the instruction fully. As you can see from the attached photo it is working up to a point. However, I suspect there are issues with reading the ‘stationList’ file. The first in the list ‘Antenne1.de’ plays with no problem but when changing station there appears to be a loss of sync (see 2 Ostream.antenne1 which should be radio 4. 3 is picking up the port number instead of the friendly name). Selecting some reports ‘Connecting’ and hangs others report ‘Could not connect to this station’ and allow further connection. Either way only the first station works.

As an aside, discovering radio station URL’s is difficult. I wonder if this is a ploy to get us to use ‘commercial’ WEB radios with inbuilt station lists?

As a separate exercise I also tried enabling PSRAM which results in ‘almost’ continuous reboots. I tried to get a copy of the output using the Arduino serial monitor, but was unsuccessful (though monitor appears to work when PSRAM is disabled).

P1050303 P1050302 P1050304



Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded the latest Arduino Version

I wrote about this problem above. Just add a comma at the end of every line except the last line in the station list file. I think that Ralph doesn't have such a error.

"live-bauer-mz.sharp-stream.com",80,"/net2lincoln.aac",Greatest Hits (Lincoln),1,
ais-edge09-live365-dal02.cdnstream.com,80,/a52107?listenerId=esAdblock0650048,Heckington Community Radio,1,
live-bauer-mz.sharp-stream.com,80,/net1lincoln.aac,Radio Lincs FM,1
RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

I've just uploaded a new version v1.19 for the Arduino IDE. Remember to also update/upload the data partition on your ESP32 to ensure the stationList is in the right format. The circular buffer will not work above about 10000 bytes without a change to the underlying ESP32 Circular Buffer file (which I can document, but it's a bit hacky). Anyone interested?

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Compare your code to the picture in the readme.md file for the Arduino IDE.

Just to be clear, you should NOT need a trailing comma at the end of the stationList.txt file if you are using the most recent codebase.

Also follow the instructions in the 'libraries' folder of this project - the offset station names on-screen point to the wrong (unedited) version of the library (there is a bug in it which I have corrected).

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

Anyone interested?

Yes, of course! Thank you!

I am carefully studying the technology of forming a list of stations on your example.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Instructions on how to enable the circular buffer on ESP32-WROVER boards added:


tadder commented 3 years ago

Thanks for that, I didn’t fully understand that you were describing the same problem. You are indeed right, I have now terminated each line with a comma and they now all work. I am using the Arduino code so I wonder if Ralph doesn’t get this issue because he is using PlatformIO? Just a thought.

I am now attempting to add an extra line at the end as follows:

internet-radio.com,80,/station/xrds/,XRDS.fm Clarksdale,0

This results in “Connected Reading stream…” and no sound. I couldn’t find the Port number so guessed at 80, I wonder if this might be the issue?

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

ESP32-WROVER boards I understood. I used ESP 32 WROOM without SPRAM. I expect delivery of WROVER soon.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

You CAN use the ESP32-WROOM quite successfully, just be aware that you might experience more "drop outs".

Use the new code I posted today and get that station list issue sorted out! Otherwise you are hacking, or working around, some sort of weird conflict (perhaps you did not upload the Data folder again?). Whatever, new version is there.

tadder commented 3 years ago

Software V1.19 now being used. I am using stationList as is (no extra comma’s).

MONITOR OUTPUT: ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0018,len:4 load:0x3fff001c,len:1216 ho 0 tail 12 room 4 load:0x40078000,len:9720 ho 0 tail 12 room 4 load:0x40080400,len:6352 entry 0x400806b8

[E][ESP32-WROVER_Web_Radio.ino:27] setup(): Version v1.210123_19 - 2021-01-23 14:29:43.815057 P1050306

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

I see the same problem as Tudder. Is it possible that we are making the same mistake? The new version 1.19 is installed. But you still need a comma at the end of the lines in the list of stations. Without a comma, the list of stations is formed incorrectly. And I see the same offset of station names in the list. It doesn't matter to me. It works anyway. This is a great tutorial on how to work with the touch screen and organize your code.


RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

If it stops at "Starting MP3 Decoder" just press the reset button on the device. This only happens to me (sometimes) after a new code upload, never at other times. You are powering board from separate +5v supply, not via USB port, right?

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

I will look at station list offset tomorrow, i know the problem but I have fixed it, perhaps I have not given you the new library. Only cosmetic!

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

i know the problem

No problem, I just use


tadder commented 3 years ago

If it stops at "Starting MP3 Decoder" just press the reset button on the device. This only happens to me (sometimes) after a new code upload, never at other times. You are powering board from separate +5v supply, not via USB port, right?

Yes, I confirm I am powering the board from a seperate 5V PSU. Unfortunately pressing the reset button just cycles back to the same "Starting MP3 Decoder message.

tadder commented 3 years ago

Aleks_Ale - Take a look at Ralphs Video #203 it contains a great introduction to LittleFS.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

Video #203

Thanks! I found it now! :)

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Regarding the on-screen station list being offset, please check the following:

library: TFT_eSPI-2.2.23 file: Button.cpp

Line 82/83 was: _gfx->drawString(long_name, _x1 + (_w/2) + _xd, _y1 + (_h/2) - 4 + _yd);

Now should be (with above line commented out):

// RSB to correct centre alignment regardless of DATUM
_gfx->drawString(long_name, _x1 + _xd, _y1 + (_h/2) - 4 + _yd);

This is the correction that works on Arduino IDE and PlatformIO.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Regarding the stationList.txt and the strange comma at the end of the line, please confirm/check the following:

Open the file in an editor that can show you HEX characters (eg notepad++)

At the end of each station line, the last two characters should be 0D 0A (carriage return, line feed). If you don't use Windows it might be different. The order of those characters is important.


22 73 74 72 65 61 6d 2e 61 6e 74 65 6e 6e 65 31 2e 64 65 22 2c 38 30 2c 22 2f 61 31 73 74 67 2f 6c 69 76 65 73 74 72 65 61 6d 31 2e 61 61 63 22 2c 22 41 6e 74 65 6e 6e 65 31 2e 64 65 22 2c 22 31 22 0d 0a

If the last two characters are not as shown (in bold) then we have found the issue. Re-edit the file with an editor that puts those characters in there.

tadder commented 3 years ago

I have reloaded V1.19 but it still hangs at “Starting MP3 Decoder” as described yesterday. Any thoughts?

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

This means the VS1053 is not initialising.

Check the orientation of the cable going from the VS1053 to the motherboard. Specifically, ensure the 5v connections on the VS1053 go to the correct pins on the motherboard. If the cable points away from the VS1053 then it should do the same on the motherboard. If the cable runs across the VS1053 then it will connect to the motherboard with the cable running right next to the socket (a tight fit - see the pictures here: https://github.com/RalphBacon/205-Internet-Radio/tree/main/ESP32-Web-Radio-Construction)

If you disconnect the cable from the VS1053 it will probably continue booting up but, obviously, you will hear no sound.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

I've added a picture of the preferred way of connecting the VS1053: https://github.com/RalphBacon/205-Internet-Radio/tree/main/Arduino%20IDE%20Version/ESP32-WROVER_Web_Radio/images It's in the images folder for the Arduino IDE version. Copy and paste the above URL if it doesn't work.

tadder commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your assistance Ralph. The board had been working prior to loading V1.19 so to double check I reloaded this prior version and it works. I have checked the wiring but I suspect you would agree in view of the old version working it’s unlikely to be a hardware issue. As you can see the VS1053 is mounted as per your suggestion.


RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

I wasn't aware you had it working prior to the current version!

Go to your sketch, find the setup() routine and find these lines: image

Comment out those lines and add: player.begin();

This is how it was previously (it doesn't check the result from the call). See how far you get.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

the last two characters should be 0D 0A

Yes, you right. This is your original stationList.txt 2021-01-24_15-47-35

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

_gfx->drawString(long_name, _x1 + _xd, _y1 + (_h/2) - 4 + _yd);

Thanks! Now correct. 2021-01-24_16-09-38

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

@Aleks-Ale I can only assume that the stationList.txt you show there must be an early version. This is the problem trying to keep two code bases in-line (not forgetting non-code files)!

At least the station list now lines up correctly on-screen, excellent.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

I can only assume that the stationList.txt you show there must be an early version.

Is this the correct download path? https://github.com/RalphBacon/205-Internet-Radio I just downloaded this archive again. 2021-01-24_16-21-04

tadder commented 3 years ago

OK, that worked, a couple of steps further, it now outputs the welcome message and reads the station list. However it will only connect to the first station in the list, so perhaps I am now experiencing similar issues to Aleks? I will re-visit the thread you have had with him a see if this helps. Thanks as always, looks as if I might actually have this working by the end of the day.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

I can only assume that the stationList.txt you show there must be an early version.

I found a solution to this problem. You just need to open the stations file in MS Word and save it again. After that, the correct codes appear at the end of the line.


Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

I'm really looking forward to seeing how you solve the issue of returning from the list without changing the station.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

Interesting about having to edit that stationList.txt file. My (local) GitHub shows the correct line endings. Perhaps it is the way GitHub processes this? Are you using Windows 10? something for me to bear in mind.

Returning from the station list (without click the current station again) is probably going to be done by touching the Page X of Y area (simple but not so obvious). I shall think about it some more. Perhaps a separate "Return Icon" button would be better.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

@tadder When you say it "only connects to the first station", does that mean when you select another one it tries to connect by produces no sound?

Edit the stationList.txt in the way that @Aleks-Ale suggests above and retry.

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

Are you using Windows 10?


Perhaps a separate "Return Icon" button would be better.

I think this is the best way.

tadder commented 3 years ago

It just displays 'Connecting' with no sound of course. You have to wait for this process to time out (or press reset) in order to proceed. It then reports 'Could not connect to this station' I note that their are 16 stations in the list but only 13 are read to the board. I believe I am downloading to LittleFS because its reading WiFiSecrets OK. I will edit the list as you suggest.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

FIXED: stationList.txt line endings

GitHub, in its infinite wisdom, only appends a LF at the end of the text file lines (and doesn't tell me it's now different to the one I have on my GitHub desktop). Apparently this is a *nix default.

I've now added a configuration file to my repository so that .txt files will always have CRLF at the end of every line.

I've tested it and now the text files look like this after downloading the GitHub zip and unzipping it: image

Aleks-Ale commented 3 years ago

Great! Thanks!

tadder commented 3 years ago

Looking good. Opened in WordPad and this added CR. So each line now ends with CRLF. Other than lines 12 and 13 it now works well. Will now have a look at Ralphs revised stationlist.

RalphBacon commented 3 years ago

As it all seems stable now I'll close this issue, thanks to everyone highlighting the issue which I would never have found as I don't download my own GitHub! (Maybe I should in the future).