RalphHightower / RalphHightower_orig

Ralph Hightower's GitHub / Web Site
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Computing/GitHubCompanyGovernment #4592

Open RalphHightower opened 1 month ago

RalphHightower commented 1 month ago

| balena balena-io | Balena brings the benefits of Linux containers to the IoT. Develop iteratively, deploy safely, and manage at scale. | | coolLabs | Control your digital footprint | Open-source & self-hostable | applications and services built for your online safety. | | datahub-project | Efinix-Inc | Efinix, Inc. | | Huly® Platform™ | | Greenhost greenhost | sustainable hosting and digital security | | GitHub Actions | Automate your GitHub workflows | | GitHub | How people build software. | | Google APIs | Clients for Google APIs and tools that help produce them. | | JCSDA-internal | Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation | | npm npm | JavaScript Package Manager, Registry & Website | | NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR | NSF NCAR is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. | | Ollama | | | Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF)
OpenSSF scorecard report | OpenSSF is a community of software developers and security engineers who are working together to secure open source software for the greater public good. Verified | | reviewdog | | *RalphHightower: "Looks like a useful place for GitHub actions."[^0523] | | sigstore | Software Supply Chain Security | | sigstore/fulcio: Sigstore OIDC PKI | A Free-to-Use CA For Code Signing

Fulcio is a free-to-use certificate authority for issuing code signing certificates for an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity, such as email address.

Solar Fulcio only issues short-lived certificates that are valid for 10 minutes. | | schema.org project | Github presence for schema.org project | semantic-release

[^0523]: My personal opinion.