Ram-N / weatherData

A simple R package that fetches Weather data from WeatherUnderground
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Error in vector(type, length) : vector: cannot make a vector of mode 'NULL' #32

Closed LABurns closed 7 years ago

LABurns commented 7 years ago

Code: KORPORTL52 <- getWeatherForDate("KORPORTL52", start_date="2016-06-01", end_date = "2016-06-28", station_type = "ID", opt_detailed = TRUE, opt_all_columns = TRUE)

Returns error: Error in vector(type, length) : vector: cannot make a vector of mode 'NULL'

There is indeed data in this date range, just won't be written to df.

Ram-N commented 7 years ago

Thanks @LABurns. I will look into it right away and fix it soon

Ram-N commented 7 years ago


WHen I run your code, it works for me with no errors. I believe that this is because in the github version of the code, I have fixed this issue. However, I'd like you to test and confirm that this is indeed true.

Could you try downloading from Github: (You also need devtools from CRAN. Here are the steps:)


Please let me know how it goes.

Ram-N commented 7 years ago

This was fixed in v0.5.0 and is now on CRAN.