Ram-N / weatherData

A simple R package that fetches Weather data from WeatherUnderground
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Potentially viable Alternative Website for Historical Weather #40

Open Ram-N opened 7 years ago

Ram-N commented 7 years ago

As many of you know, WeatherUnderground is blocking this package. They have started charging for historical weather.

One user has pointed out a potential alternative that seems very promising.

https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/download.phtml https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/request/daily.phtml

If anyone wants to help get a list of Stations, or to redirect the package, get in touch with me. I have limited time, but like to get this package going again.

Thanks, Ram

DGBielenberg commented 5 years ago

The iastate mesonet info seems only to be airports. It looks like MesoWest (https://mesowest.utah.edu/) is compiling the data from personal weather stations in the CWOP system. The ability to access PWS data is what I really liked about weatherData/WUnderground. MesoWest has an API set up through https://developers.synopticdata.com/ which allows free requests upto a limit after which you have paid. I am primarily a research/small user so this would stay in the realm of affordable for me. Would it be straightforward to shift over the weatherData package to the MesoWest data?

Ram-N commented 5 years ago

Thank you @DGBielenberg. Yes, the API does look promising. Again, I am strapped for time. If anyone reading this thread wants to try it out, I can help them.

opus1993 commented 2 years ago

Is ropensci/riem the same concept?