Ram-lankada / LinkedInBot

Automatically makes connections & accepts all invites
MIT License
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Feat: Anti-Account ban algo - State management of number of Connections made #6

Open Ram-lankada opened 7 months ago

Ram-lankada commented 7 months ago

Users may use this bot continuously even after knowing the 100 connections & 250 actions limit.

Program a Anti-Account ban algo to freeze the bot execution after 100 connections per week.

Ram-lankada commented 6 months ago

Ayurvedic Dosha Analysis Form

Personal Information:

Physical Characteristics:

  1. Body Build:

    • [x] Slender
    • [ ] Medium
    • [ ] Robust
  2. Weight:

    • [x] Easy to maintain
    • [x] Difficulty gaining weight
    • [ ] Difficulty losing weight
  3. Skin Type:

    • [x] Dry
    • [ ] Oily
    • [ ] Combination
  4. Hair Type:

    • [x] Dry
    • [ ] Oily
    • [ ] Thick
    • [x] Thin

Appetite and Digestion:

  1. Appetite:

    • [x] Small meals
    • [ ] Large meals
  2. Digestion:

    • [x] Strong
    • [ ] Variable
    • [ ] Sensitive

Sleep Patterns:

  1. Sleep Duration:

    • [ ] Less than 7 hours
    • [ ] 7-8 hours
    • [x] More than 8 hours
  2. Sleep Quality:

    • [ ] Restful
    • [x] Variable
    • [ ] Disrupted
  3. Sleep Routine:

    • Bedtime: ____
    • Wake-up time: ____

Energy Levels:

  1. Energy Throughout the Day:

    • [ ] Steady
    • [ ] Fluctuating
  2. Energy Peaks and Lows:

    • [x] Yes (Specify times): __

Emotional Characteristics:

  1. Stress Response:

    • [ ] Anxious
    • [ ] Irritable
    • [ ] Calm
  2. Emotional Stability:

    • [ ] Stable
    • [x] Fluctuating

Lifestyle and Preferences:

  1. Climate Preference:

    • [ ] Warm
    • [ ] Cool
  2. Activity Level:

    • [ ] Sedentary
    • [x] Moderate
    • [ ] Active

Preferences in Food and Tastes:

  1. Tastes:

    • [ ] Sweet
    • [ ] Salty
    • [ ] Sour
    • [ ] Bitter
    • [ ] Pungent
    • [ ] Astringent
  2. Food Temperature:

    • [ ] Hot
    • [x] Cold
  3. Dietary Habits:

    • [ ] Specific foods preferred: __

Health History:

  1. Common Health Issues:

    • [ ] Specify: __
  2. Reactions to Weather Changes:

    • [x] Yes (Specify): __

Menstrual Cycle (if applicable):

  1. Menstrual Characteristics:
    • [ ] Regular
    • [ ] Irregular
    • [ ] Duration: __
    • [ ] Symptoms: __

Additional Information:

  1. Any Other Specific Concerns:
    • [ ] Specify: __