Rambatino / CHAID

A python implementation of the common CHAID algorithm
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation for library #118

Closed divatemangesh closed 3 years ago

divatemangesh commented 3 years ago

Hello team

Can somebody create documentation for the library. So that some one can understand it easily. May be on read the docs

Rambatino commented 3 years ago

Hi @divatemangesh the README.md has a lot in it.

What is is that you're trying to do?

divatemangesh commented 3 years ago

I wanted some method by using which I can grow the tree. level by level based on choice. And choice can be one of following

Let's say as in titanic data I am getting "Sex" as first split and "pClass" a second split. On. For both male and female node

but if suppose I want to split male node on "Cabin" variable and female on "pClass"

How to do that ? is that something one of the feature of this library or going to be one?

Rambatino commented 3 years ago

We don't currently support that functionality, unfortunately. It also won't be built any time soon, but you're welcome to create a PR with that functionality.