RamblingCookieMonster / BuildHelpers

Helper functions for PowerShell CI/CD scenarios
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Get-BuildVariables fails if git is aliased to hub.exe #80

Open RandomNoun7 opened 5 years ago

RandomNoun7 commented 5 years ago

hub is a tool put out by github that adds capabilities to git. The recommended way to use hub is to alias git to hub.exe, so that it can transparently handle the things it knows how to handle, and just pass on any commands that it doesn't.

When executing Get-BuildVariables cmdlet the line that attempts to find the path to git.exe uses the Get-Command cmdlet. This will not work in cases where git is aliased as no Path property is returned.

A different approach that either finds git.exe directly by looking at paths in the PATH variable, or one that accepts an alias, may be needed to support this scenario on workstations.

While this error should rarely or never be encountered on the build servers this module is intended to be used on, it is also used on developer workstations where this error can reasonable be expected crop up once in a while.