add ps version constraint for semanticversion class to be lower than psv6 or else we have a conflict with native class.
We have this error in Azure DevOps pipelines since the new code:
Line |
154 | Import-Module PSDepend
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Failed to import function /agent/_work/1/s/out/modulecache/PSDepend/0.3.4/Private/SemanticVersion.ps1: (15,68): error CS0436: The type 'SemanticVersion' in '' conflicts with the imported type 'SemanticVersion' in 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'. Using the type defined in ''. public sealed class SemanticVersion : IComparable, IComparable<SemanticVersion>, IEquatable<SemanticVersion> ^
add ps version constraint for semanticversion class to be lower than psv6 or else we have a conflict with native class.
We have this error in Azure DevOps pipelines since the new code: