RamblingCookieMonster / PSDepend

PowerShell Dependency Handler
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Target folder is not created, even with -Force parameter. Git.ps1 #99

Open rcarboneras opened 5 years ago

rcarboneras commented 5 years ago

When using a Git repository, if target doesn't exist, the dependency is downloaded in the current directory and the error is silenced, affecting the path sctructure of your proyect. Unless you check the $Errors variable, you'll never now what is happening.

However, when using PowerShell Gallery, the bellow piece of code does the work in the Save-Module function: When -Force is specified, Path will be created if not available

    # When -Force is specified, Path will be created if not available.
    if(-not $Force)
            $destinationPath = Resolve-PathHelper -Path $Path -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object -First 1 -ErrorAction Ignore

            if(-not $destinationPath -or -not (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Test-path $destinationPath))
                $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.PathNotFound -f $Path)
                ThrowError  -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                            -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage `
                            -ErrorId "PathNotFound" `
                            -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionObject $Path `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument

            $PSBoundParameters['Path'] = $destinationPath
            $destinationPath = Resolve-PathHelper -Path $LiteralPath -IsLiteralPath -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Object -First 1 -ErrorAction Ignore

            if(-not $destinationPath -or -not (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Test-Path -LiteralPath $destinationPath))
                $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.PathNotFound -f $LiteralPath)
                ThrowError  -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" `
                            -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage `
                            -ErrorId "PathNotFound" `
                            -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet `
                            -ExceptionObject $LiteralPath `
                            -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument

            $PSBoundParameters['LiteralPath'] = $destinationPath

I propose then to implement the same behaviour in Git.ps1 script with the following lines:

else { if ($Force) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name $Dependency.Target -Force | Out-Null Write-Debug "Target folder $($Dependency.Target) created as -Force switch was specified" $Target = Join-Path $PWD "$($Dependency.Target)" } else { $Target = $PWD.Path Write-Debug "Target defaulted to current dir: $Target" } }

rcarboneras commented 5 years ago

I've made a minor change in the way of creating the folder:

else { if ($true) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name (Split-Path $Dependency.Target -Leaf) -Force | Out-Null Write-Debug "Target folder $($Dependency.Target) created as -Force switch was specified" $Target = Join-Path $PWD "$(Split-Path $Dependency.Target -Leaf)" }