RamiKrispin / EIAapi

Supporting tools for the Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting book
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Error when adding facets argument #3

Closed leighmatth closed 10 months ago

leighmatth commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm having an issue when I try to use the eia_get function when I'm passing in facets. Using the examples in the readme, I'm able to run the examples for df1, df2, and df3, but when I try to run the code for df4 where we pass in the facets, I get the following error:

facets <- list(respondent = "US48", fueltype = "NG")

df4 <- eia_get(
  api_key = api_key,
  api_path = "electricity/rto/fuel-type-data/data/",
  data = "value",
  length = 5000,
  format = "data.table",
  facets = facets

curl: (3) bad range in URL position 127:
Error in eia_get(api_key = api_key, api_path = "electricity/rto/fuel-type-data/data/",  : 
  Could not pull the data... ❌
Check the query parameters (e.g., api key, path, etc.) or the error log

(Note: I removed my api_key from the error message)

I've tried a few other calls with the facets argument and always get that same error. Any thoughts?

RamiKrispin commented 11 months ago

Hi @leighmatth, could you please send me the query you are trying to pull via the API dashboard?


RamiKrispin commented 11 months ago

@leighmatth btw, your query works on my end. Could you please check if your eia_key is valid?

> library(EIAapi)
> facets <- list(respondent = "US48", fueltype = "NG")
> df4 <- eia_get(
+   api_key = api_key,
+   api_path = "electricity/rto/fuel-type-data/data/",
+   data = "value",
+   length = 5000,
+   format = "data.table",
+   facets = facets
+ )
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  864k    0  864k    0     0   686k      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:--  686k
> df4
             period respondent        respondent-name fueltype   type-name  value
   1: 2019-09-03T02       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 238622
   2: 2019-09-02T08       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 149180
   3: 2019-09-02T06       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 164671
   4: 2019-09-03T03       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 217190
   5: 2019-09-02T16       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 206225
4996: 2018-11-09T20       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 145412
4997: 2018-11-09T21       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 147572
4998: 2018-11-07T11       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 109269
4999: 2018-11-07T12       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 123157
5000: 2018-11-07T13       US48 United States Lower 48       NG Natural gas 132755
   1: megawatthours
   2: megawatthours
   3: megawatthours
   4: megawatthours
   5: megawatthours
4996: megawatthours
4997: megawatthours
4998: megawatthours
4999: megawatthours
5000: megawatthours
leighmatth commented 11 months ago

Hi @RamiKrispin

This is the API query I'm trying to pull: https://api.eia.gov/v2/electricity/facility-fuel/data/?frequency=monthly&data[0]=average-heat-content&data[1]=consumption-for-eg&data[2]=generation&data[3]=gross-generation&facets[plantCode][]=6137&facets[fuel2002][]=BIT&facets[primeMover][]=ST&start=2013-01&end=2023-05&sort[0][column]=period&sort[0][direction]=asc&offset=0&length=5000

I tested the readme example again and the one with the facets is still producing the same error for me. I double checked my API key, and it is active and valid, and works for other cases when I don't pass in facets.

Based on the error I'm getting and some googling, it seems like this might be a globbing issue with curl related to using a Mac (I'm running MacOS v12.5.1).

RamiKrispin commented 11 months ago

@leighmatth could you please check if you have jq installed?

You can check on your terminal:

jq --version
leighmatth commented 11 months ago

@leighmatth could you please check if you have jq installed?

You can check on your terminal:

jq --version

@RamiKrispin I'm running jq-1.6

leighmatth commented 11 months ago

Hi @RamiKrispin I made the following change on line 114 of query.R, and I'm now able to run those commands without getting an error.


               sprintf("&facets[%s][]=%s", i, l),


      f <- paste(f,
                 sprintf("&facets%%5B%s%%5D[]=%s", i, l),
                 sep = "")
RamiKrispin commented 11 months ago

Thanks, I was able to reproduce the error - I developed the code and test it on Mac but inside a dockerized environment. It works fine on the dockerized environment (e.g., Linux) but fails on MacOS. I am going to look for a solution that is OS agnostic and push update the CRAN.

leighmatth commented 11 months ago

Great, thank you!

RamiKrispin commented 11 months ago

The issue was fixed by adding to the curl command the -g argument. This should be available in CRAN (version 0.1.2) in the coming days. Thanks for the feedback!

RamiKrispin commented 10 months ago

@leighmatth, the fix is now on CRAN (v0.1.2), could you please reinstall and check if this work on your end?

leighmatth commented 10 months ago

@RamiKrispin I reinstalled with the new version from CRAN, and everything seems to be working now. Thank you!

RamiKrispin commented 10 months ago

Great, thanks again for the feedback!