RamiKrispin / coronavirus_dashboard

The Coronavirus Dashboard
108 stars 133 forks source link

Warning messages #22

Closed liamxg closed 2 years ago

liamxg commented 3 years ago

this is great and I never see this before, and so nice project, and could you please figure the following below, thanks.

plotly::plot_ly(y = ~ round(100 recover_rate, 1), x = ~ round(100 death_rate, 1), size = ~ log(confirmed), sizes = c(5, 70), type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers', color = ~ country, marker = list(sizemode = 'diameter' , opacity = 0.5), hoverinfo = 'text', text = ~paste("
", country, "
Confirmed Cases: ", confirmed, "
Recovery Rate: ", paste(round(100 recover_rate, 1), "%", sep = ""), "
Death Rate: ", paste(round(100
death_rate, 1), "%", sep = "")) ) %>% plotly::layout(title = "Recovery / Death Ratio (Countries with More than 20,000 Cases)", yaxis = list(title = "Recovery Rate", ticksuffix = "%"), xaxis = list(title = "Death Rate", ticksuffix = "%", dtick = 1, tick0 = 0), hovermode = "compare")

Warning messages: 1: In RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(N, "Set2") : n too large, allowed maximum for palette Set2 is 8 Returning the palette you asked for with that many colors

2: In RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(N, "Set2") : n too large, allowed maximum for palette Set2 is 8 Returning the palette you asked for with that many colors

RamiKrispin commented 3 years ago

@LiXingguangBrandonStark are you referring to the warning messages?