RamonUnch / AltSnapChocoPackage

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Auto-update this choco package? #1

Open pigsflew opened 2 years ago

pigsflew commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to automatically update this choco package whenever a new release is cut in the main repo? I wanted to install altsnap from choco so that I could keep up-to-date easier, but it looks like this is already 3 versions behind, with one having an "Update strongly advised" notice.

I think you might be able to do it using Github Actions? but i'm not 100% on that, I've never maintained a choco package...

RamonUnch commented 2 years ago

I usually upload the AltSnap package within a couple of days from GitHub release (usually the same day). However for 1.50 and 1.51, I waited because I knew those release might be more buggy than previous ones. 1.52 should pretty stable.

The package however must be manually reviewed, and this can take a few weeks. This is unfortunate, hopefully at some point AltSnap will be considered as a "trusted" package and validation will be automatic.

If you want to update to the latest version using choco, then you can specify the --version in the command line: > choco update altsnap --version=1.52 Maybe you need to also specify the --pre argument to tell choco you really want to update to a still under moderation package.

RamonUnch commented 2 years ago

It seems that now AltSnap is considered to be a trusted package, so package validation happens within a few hours from upload. So now you will rarely have more than a day between the GitHub release and the Chocolatey package update. Now you have AltSnap 1.53 on choco.

lohrm-stabl commented 1 year ago

Choco packages can be automatically updated from GitHub releases using au: https://github.com/chocolatey-community/chocolatey-au

I do it for my packages as well. Example: https://github.com/michidk/choco/tree/main/just